VMK Pet-Peeves


Well-Known Member
i don't know WHY it peeves me so much but seeing people MASSIVELY underoffering for rare items irks me when i know very well that that person is knowledgable about values and would be asking for twice what they're offering, were they trading the rare item. :vomit::vomit::vomit: (NOT about anyone in particular, just something i have seen many times!) STOP THE GREED!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I was playing HM probably about 10 minutes ago with the most ill-mannered person. They kept talking down to their teammate for not going upstairs and when the game was over they were like "OMG what a waste of a game." Needless to say, I would have been banned in a heartbeat if I told her what I really thought of her attitude.


Cat lady, and slightly awkward bartender.
People who think this is a virtual High School.
Can we all just talk about Disney and be nice to each other?
Nobody cares how "rich" you are. It doesn't make you special.
And if you think it's acceptable to bully the "newbes" or "poor people" then you're sad and karma is coming.

P.S. I am Karma. I am coming.
And yes, I was totally throwing shade. Sue me.


just your friendly neighborhood allusion
People who think this is a virtual High School.
Can we all just talk about Disney and be nice to each other?
Nobody cares how "rich" you are. It doesn't make you special.
And if you think it's acceptable to bully the "newbes" or "poor people" then you're sad and karma is coming.

P.S. I am Karma. I am coming.
And yes, I was totally throwing shade. Sue me.
/sue u
am the regina george.
I was playing HM probably about 10 minutes ago with the most ill-mannered person. They kept talking down to their teammate for not going upstairs and when the game was over they were like "OMG what a waste of a game." Needless to say, I would have been banned in a heartbeat if I told her what I really thought of her attitude.
the other day I was playing and someone got mad at me because I wasn't getting my ghosts fast enough and they were like "omg can you get your ghosts plz" EVEN THOUGH HIS GHOSTS KEPT EATING ME UHM OK


Well-Known Member
speaking of HM, the people who stay in the HM lobby but don't play or start any games, they just stand there. okay I get it you wanna socialize but I k i n d a need another person to play thank
no but this is a freaky double edged blade or something cause like i want to play a game but sometimes i don't want to be the one to start it like can someone just do it and stop freaking talking??? like can we start a team??? i don't always want to be on the green team and i don't always like being the instigator like it really annoys me when people just stand around.