VMK players leaving or not playing


The Confused One.
I agree. I'm puzzled on why they haven't already done this. Not trying to brag but I've administrated multiple sites and I'm sure many people on here have before. If they could go ahead and hire people that know what they are doing it could speed up the process.
If you hurry anyone to hire a position the more likely a mistake can occur. Everyone needs to have their patience because as far as I know they only have one person coding the game. Hiring staff is not going to make the game develop faster unless the staff is helping with certain aspects of testing.

Hiring staff would give more room for Amy to code the game and let her focus on that but I'm sure she's also trying to make sure she gets a team she and the rest of the staff can fully trust. As a player that's what I want them to do as well. There is no need to rush it fully and there was a lot of things for all of the staff to look over, instead of just the applications.

I'm also going to repeat what I said earlier in this thread. I'm busy with school and a small job on the side. I don't have the liberty to get on for long hours on certain days depending on my school work. I'm pretty sure this is a consistent answer as to why many can't play and I'm sure a lot of the older folks here are busy working or spending time with their families.

Also this would be quite a fun statistic to learn for such a thread: How many people were there that played Beta in VMK? I don't know myself and I'm actually curious of the answer.

Btw: your suggestions are nice. Just wish the quests were ready though :(


Well-Known Member
I get why people aren't coming on. I'm stuck with a bunch of homework which limits my time on the game. Plus, every time I'm able to go on, there's nothing to do (because I don't want to go on shell crawls or have the tolerance for fireworks) or people being annoying or inappropriate behavior going on in whatever guest room I'm in. I'm stuck entering on Tuesdays to buy things, and that's about it. The game has kinda worn on me because of all of the inappropriate behavior going on without any interference, plus I'm busy and tired after school most of the time. Also, too much drama over meaningless things such as the Doctor Who stuff.
I really couldnt have said it better myself.
People are being really inappropriate and immature towards other players (myself included) and it's very discouraging. People need to grow up and realize that this isn't a community that will tolerate the inappropriate behavior much longer as it will be more moderated and people will simply leave because of it ruining the rest of everyone's enjoyment.

I was told today that i was annoying and need to shut up and even though in the real world i'd feel absolutely nothing by a small statement, it affects me because this is supposed to be a kind, loving environment and people are taking the values from vmk and throwing them in the trash
We need to respect eachother and act our age for once.. not bash on eachother.


Well-Known Member
I used to spend every waking hour playing VMK back when it was open. The reason I don't play much now is because as the years have passed, my responsibilities have grown, and what I spend my time doing has to be a lot more balanced.
Plus, since myvmk opened, I've noticed it's quite a bit different than VMK was, especially in the ease of earning items/credits, and right now it's a bit of a hassle to do. I only come on for new specials and the occasional couple hours to chat with my longtime friend from England who is having the same thoughts on myvmk versus the old VMK. It just has a different feel now, which is to be expected, but sometimes can really kill the feel that made such great memories back on VMK - not saying there wasn't inappropriate and rude behavior before, but for some reason now it seems a lot more apparent/widespread.


Well-Known Member
I used to spend every waking hour playing VMK back when it was open. The reason I don't play much now is because as the years have passed, my responsibilities have grown, and what I spend my time doing has to be a lot more balanced.
Plus, since myvmk opened, I've noticed it's quite a bit different than VMK was, especially in the ease of earning items/credits, and right now it's a bit of a hassle to do. I only come on for new specials and the occasional couple hours to chat with my longtime friend from England who is having the same thoughts on myvmk versus the old VMK. It just has a different feel now, which is to be expected, but sometimes can really kill the feel that made such great memories back on VMK - not saying there wasn't inappropriate and rude behavior before, but for some reason now it seems a lot more apparent/widespread.
I think this is the main reason. People just don't feel like this game is the same as VMK was. Everyone who played VMK has grown up, gotten more mature (well, some have), and gotten new interests. When VMK was open, the median age of players was probably somewhere between elementary school and middle school. Now people are in High School or College (like me) and have busier schedules.

What I liked in elementary school is different than what I like now. Sure, I like some of the same things, like VMK, but I liked them way more when I was in elementary school.

When VMK closed, I was sad for a bit after it closed, but as the years passed I found new websites and became active on those. When MyVMK was released, I did not have the same passion for the game I had a few years ago. That is why I think people are playing less.


Well-Known Member
I think this is the main reason. People just don't feel like this game is the same as VMK was. Everyone who played VMK has grown up, gotten more mature (well, some have), and gotten new interests. When VMK was open, the median age of players was probably somewhere between elementary school and middle school. Now people are in High School or College (like me) and have busier schedules.

What I liked in elementary school is different than what I like now. Sure, I like some of the same things, like VMK, but I liked them way more when I was in elementary school.

When VMK closed, I was sad for a bit after it closed, but as the years passed I found new websites and became active on those. When MyVMK was released, I did not have the same passion for the game I had a few years ago. That is why I think people are playing less.
That's exactly what it is for me. I can still enjoy a lot of the aspects of MyVMK - my childhood friend and I have been reliving some memories together, definitely, and creating things still captures some of my interest - but it just isn't what it was for me as a child, because I'm no longer a child. I haven't grown out of it, so to speak, but I've grown away from it, if that makes sense.
I think that, on top of a lot of immaturity in the game bothering those who have grown a bit, is a big reason for people lessening their playing time.

However, browsing through the forums, it looks like the different "MyVMK versus VMK" economy is a big part of it too.


Smile and the world smiles with you
Something that frustrates me, is everyone wants Kevin and Amy to do everything at once, which they can't obviously.

I do know there are people (me included) that already have moderation experience, or that can help make games, build rooms, or just be a 'do' person...there is so much to do...sift through applicants - get already experienced people you can assign tasks in the areas they have experience in. Recruit this help to get things moving. We want to help. Help us help you guys!
I didn't apply to host or mod the game because my typing is not that great. However, I would be willing to help out on building staff rooms. One of the neat things was going into a staff's room for a host event. With time being limited. I would volunteer some of my skills to help out this way. ( I would not even tell anyone I was doing it )

Also I believe we can all make this a fun safe place to be. I have seen a decrease in the offending behavior. It is still there but people call out the players doing it and they normally do stop. It really needs all of us taking an active roll.

I have seen very little room building. Mostly because a lot of items are still not out. Which is sad but Amy can only do so much. She is doing a great job. I love to go visit rooms. I hope to see more room building.

Most important in how to make this a fun place is random acts of kindness. That is what made VMK magical. It is easy to gift a person you know. How about a person you do not could be a new friend for you. You could really make their day special.
It's like when I got a trampoline as a child. It was great for a few days, but the novelty wore off.
Plus, vmk is fun, but it won't get you a job :)


Well-Known Member
I'm starting to not play as much because there isn't much to do besides hangout.. Trading and room building are not possible with the items that are currently released. I could play the Fireworks game but the credits I get from it are almost worthless because there isn't much to spend it on.


MyVMKPal Webmaster Dev
I really couldnt have said it better myself.
People are being really inappropriate and immature towards other players (myself included) and it's very discouraging. People need to grow up and realize that this isn't a community that will tolerate the inappropriate behavior much longer as it will be more moderated and people will simply leave because of it ruining the rest of everyone's enjoyment.

I was told today that i was annoying and need to shut up and even though in the real world i'd feel absolutely nothing by a small statement, it affects me because this is supposed to be a kind, loving environment and people are taking the values from vmk and throwing them in the trash
We need to respect eachother and act our age for once.. not bash on eachother.

I can see this 100, if i really wanted to, i could be like them too, be nasty and mean, but when i played vmk, i was very nice and so was many other people. This game is not supposed to be the epitome of the internet like youtube comments, or reddit/4chan.. We have a certain expectation of community in this game. It seems that the greedy, and mean community seem to have taken of the game as a majority. The ones who play nonstop now only think about themselves, grind on fireworks and spend time ripping off other players to get what they want.

I also find myvmk boring to be on too. At any given time, the top 3 guest rooms are just cute-or-boot rooms which i dispise with a passion since they arent really games and are usually hosted by egotistical favoritists. When i look at my friends list, half of them online are in one room and the rest are either in fireworks or afk. Nobody is really doing much now a days.

I also preferred openvmk better.. everything just seemed more active there. I actually had luck on there too.. Although it was open for only a week, trade rooms were thriving, and everything just felt like it flowed faster.


Well-Known Member
I have noticed that in the last week the numbers of players in the Kingdom at any given time has really gone down. I know I do not play as much as I would if there were more things to do. Right now all I have time to do when I am in the kingdom is play Fireworks to earn credits since FW or Clamming is the only 2 real ways to earn credits right now. I know Amy is working hard to roll out other things and I really am thankful for being able to play at all. But maybe people need some incentive to play more often or not leave the kingdom.

Instead of just having a new item release once a week on Tues. What about having a special item release on the week-ends. Release 1 or 2 items on Friday night at or around 10 pm and retire it on Sunday night at the same time. Making it a limited release item.

Maybe add an in game quest or two with an awesome prize at the end, I am sure any of us previous VMK players would love to help with that.

Right now I do not think the game is holding the attention of the players with so little to do/work for in the game.
If they did this, I think they should utilize weekend releases for non-theme specific items.

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I can say at this point, I'm not in so much anymore, I just don't enjoy Fireworks and shells at 10 pts each is just not enough motivation. As players get "behind" others in credits and ability to buy new things , then item release becomes kind of irrelevant. So that sounds like I'm QQ'ing, I'm not, just stating facts. For me personally, I'll need some motivation to log in more, POTC is what I'm waiting for right now, but I suspect many are in the same boat. Their main way of earning credits , playing games, building rooms, is just not there right now. It's a ton of work to code this game absolutely no doubt, Amy and staff have done a great job, and people are expecting way way too much from them IMO. I'll be watching, and playing occasionally, but waiting on POTC as I feel many many others I knew from VMK are also.


Well-Known Member
I don't play as much because the items released don't really interest me. Once a lot of items are released then ill be more interested in playing more frequently because I can build themed rooms.
With fireworks I can get as many credits as I need. I just need something to buy with them.
Get rid of forum chat... It's unnecessary.


- - - Updated - - -

I think this is the main reason. People just don't feel like this game is the same as VMK was. Everyone who played VMK has grown up, gotten more mature (well, some have), and gotten new interests. When VMK was open, the median age of players was probably somewhere between elementary school and middle school. Now people are in High School or College (like me) and have busier schedules.

I agree with the part in red, but not the part in purple. I am out of school. I have a career, busy life, responsibilities, etc. I did when VMK was around. This doesn't feel like VMK because it isn't. The number of players is low at the present time, there are so few games, lots of high-priced items and so few ways to earn credits, there are not any quests (we are still in beta obviously), there are many things going on in-game that people don't want to be around (will hopefully change when moderation kicks in) and honestly, some of our friends have moved on. If the people I used to play with came back, I would be logged in all of the time. Hopefully, in time, things will change and VMK will be what it once was. I am hopeful and choose to remain optimistic.

- - - Updated - - -

I can see this 100, if i really wanted to, i could be like them too, be nasty and mean, but when i played vmk, i was very nice and so was many other people. This game is not supposed to be the epitome of the internet like youtube comments, or reddit/4chan.. We have a certain expectation of community in this game. It seems that the greedy, and mean community seem to have taken of the game as a majority. The ones who play nonstop now only think about themselves, grind on fireworks and spend time ripping off other players to get what they want.

This is true. But dont be too proud to report anything against values. ;) I will admit, I have warned people first (although I am not staff) and when they smart off, I report them. I don't care if people know I use that option. It is there for that purpose. If you want to talk about stuff you shouldn't in the game, use your cell phone....but keep it out of my/our game. I have also warned people and they thanked me because they didn't want to be banned from the game. It is all about approach. :D

- - - Updated - - -

i don't know what this dude is talking about. i'm grateful just to have the game back now and spend every second i have of free time on this game <3 regardless of all the items and such!

Maltoo is not a "dude". There was nothing rude or insinuating about her post. She is grateful to have it back as well; she's just curious why the drop in activity. Seems legit to me.

- - - Updated - - -

Continuing with what Ranch said. We have a lot farther to go until this is close to a VMK. While the work that has been done in the past month is astounding and commend Amy for that -- there's a lot that needs to be done to improve both the game, and the community.
:thumbsup: And keeping this in mind is why I remain optimistic.


Well-Known Member
My activity level in game has dropped because of how uninviting the community is, the level of greed and "need" to have every valuable item and a lot of it, as well as the people in staff positions atm. It's hard to earn credits to afford new items unless you spend all your game time playing fireworks. I want to get on to talk with friends and interact with people inside the game, not no-life fireworks for an hour before I have to get off and get back to my life. I realize that the game is still in beta and there are a lot of kinks yet to be worked out, but with the way the game is now it's not as interesting/inviting as it used to be. I see favoritism among staff, ridiculously priced items, and an unenjoyable community of people. Although I am forever grateful for what Amy has done in recreating my favorite childhood game, part of me wishes the game had never been reopened like this. My childhood memories are being tainted.


Well-Known Member
I think once more things to do are released, more and more people will be more active. I do understand that right now fireworks and collecting shells is not a lot but it is better then having nothing to do. It's still in early and it does take time to get everything released.
My activity level in game has dropped because of how uninviting the community is, the level of greed and "need" to have every valuable item and a lot of it, as well as the people in staff positions atm. It's hard to earn credits to afford new items unless you spend all your game time playing fireworks. I want to get on to talk with friends and interact with people inside the game, not no-life fireworks for an hour before I have to get off and get back to my life. I realize that the game is still in beta and there are a lot of kinks yet to be worked out, but with the way the game is now it's not as interesting/inviting as it used to be. I see favoritism among staff, ridiculously priced items, and an unenjoyable community of people. Although I am forever grateful for what Amy has done in recreating my favorite childhood game, part of me wishes the game had never been reopened like this. My childhood memories are being tainted.
Gotta agree with this.

I'm very happy and appreciative of the effort made to get this game out, but personally I think it could have been held back and released later with a bit more content (such as having some of the games completed, etc.) Would've prevented the loss of some players.


Well-Known Member
My activity level in game has dropped because of how uninviting the community is, the level of greed and "need" to have every valuable item and a lot of it, as well as the people in staff positions atm. It's hard to earn credits to afford new items unless you spend all your game time playing fireworks. I want to get on to talk with friends and interact with people inside the game, not no-life fireworks for an hour before I have to get off and get back to my life. I realize that the game is still in beta and there are a lot of kinks yet to be worked out, but with the way the game is now it's not as interesting/inviting as it used to be. I see favoritism among staff, ridiculously priced items, and an unenjoyable community of people. Although I am forever grateful for what Amy has done in recreating my favorite childhood game, part of me wishes the game had never been reopened like this. My childhood memories are being tainted.
I completely agree with everything you said... I feel the exact same way...


Well-Known Member
That's exactly what it is for me. I can still enjoy a lot of the aspects of MyVMK - my childhood friend and I have been reliving some memories together, definitely, and creating things still captures some of my interest - but it just isn't what it was for me as a child, because I'm no longer a child. I haven't grown out of it, so to speak, but I've grown away from it, if that makes sense.
I think that, on top of a lot of immaturity in the game bothering those who have grown a bit, is a big reason for people lessening their playing time.

However, browsing through the forums, it looks like the different "MyVMK versus VMK" economy is a big part of it too.
I also agree with this. I have not grown out of VMK (because I would not be here if I did), I just do not have the same passion for the game that I did a few years ago. I think the immaturity is bound to happen in any game or forum, but considering most users here are older than they were when they played VMK (most users are now teenagers or adults), there should be a high level of maturity.