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Well-Known Member
Head Administrator
princessaurora said:
I don't know, but is anyone going to acknowledge the fact that they have closed OVMK down? Also, Nick claims that he has apologized to Amy. Is this true?
Yeah it is true. I didn't really blame Nick from the beginning though.
Amy said:
princessaurora said:
I don't know, but is anyone going to acknowledge the fact that they have closed OVMK down? Also, Nick claims that he has apologized to Amy. Is this true?
Yeah it is true. I didn't really blame Nick from the beginning though.
Amy I love how mature you've been throughout this entire project. You've done everything in a mature and professional manner. Kudos to you


Well-Known Member
Honestly Amy, who do you think/know it was that accused you? If you know. Nick is getting hate right now, (not saying I'm not one of them) but should we go on and make sure that we reveal the one who should be accused? This whole thing is confusing, I'm just mad because I was so excited for my childhood to come back up, and now it isn't, well until you can get it up and running.


Well-Known Member
Head Administrator
There's no reason to hate Nick for it. I wasn't exactly the easiest person to work with, and I think he really thought there was a virus in the game (though he definitely should of done a little research). The way they handled the posts clearing my name was ridiculous though, but I don't think Nick had anything to do with that.
Amy said:
There's no reason to hate Nick for it. I wasn't exactly the easiest person to work with, and I think he really thought there was a virus in the game (though he definitely should of done a little research). The way they handled the posts clearing my name was ridiculous though, but I don't think Nick had anything to do with that.
Thank you for the clarification!
Amy said:
There's no reason to hate Nick for it. I wasn't exactly the easiest person to work with, and I think he really thought there was a virus in the game (though he definitely should of done a little research). The way they handled the posts clearing my name was ridiculous though, but I don't think Nick had anything to do with that.
Why don't you get Nick on board with this (MMK)? He worked so hard to start OVMK and, as you said yourself, he was not the one who made a mess of things. I think he deserves a second chance. Just my humble opinion :)


Well-Known Member
Sofia said:
Amy said:
There's no reason to hate Nick for it. I wasn't exactly the easiest person to work with, and I think he really thought there was a virus in the game (though he definitely should of done a little research). The way they handled the posts clearing my name was ridiculous though, but I don't think Nick had anything to do with that.
Why don't you get Nick on board with this (MMK)? He worked so hard to start OVMK and, as you said yourself, he was not the one who made a mess of things. I think he deserves a second chance. Just my humble opinion :)
He did say he wanted to take a break. Maybe an offer though when he feels ready
disneyfacts said:
Sofia said:
Amy said:
There's no reason to hate Nick for it. I wasn't exactly the easiest person to work with, and I think he really thought there was a virus in the game (though he definitely should of done a little research). The way they handled the posts clearing my name was ridiculous though, but I don't think Nick had anything to do with that.
Why don't you get Nick on board with this (MMK)? He worked so hard to start OVMK and, as you said yourself, he was not the one who made a mess of things. I think he deserves a second chance. Just my humble opinion :)
He did say he wanted to take a break. Maybe an offer though when he feels ready
I think all of the hate he received might have made him view VMK differently though
Amy said:
There's no reason to hate Nick for it. I wasn't exactly the easiest person to work with, and I think he really thought there was a virus in the game (though he definitely should of done a little research). The way they handled the posts clearing my name was ridiculous though, but I don't think Nick had anything to do with that.
To be honest, I don't think Nick made any decision by himself. He was greatly influenced by his (admins), and therefore made a horrible decision to say the least for putting you on blast like that. However one cannot help but feel compassion for his efforts into actually recreating the game. I mean I followed him since 2011 and was very skeptical that the game would even open. To be honest though, without him we wouldn't have had a project to start off with. And without you, the game probably would have never worked. I appreciate both of you for all that you've done. Honestly tho, this drama is just killing it.

Anyway, whatever you decide is in your hands. I'm just happy I'm part of this community that has been faithful to this game since it's closing.
:) AMY!

I've always loved you and your dedication to the game!

You seemed to be the only one I saw that worked on the game, cared and put go many hour's into it!

I am glad you're still so dedicated and hadn't given up! :)

Thanks! :D


Well-Known Member
Sofia said:
Amy said:
There's no reason to hate Nick for it. I wasn't exactly the easiest person to work with, and I think he really thought there was a virus in the game (though he definitely should of done a little research). The way they handled the posts clearing my name was ridiculous though, but I don't think Nick had anything to do with that.
Why don't you get Nick on board with this (MMK)? He worked so hard to start OVMK and, as you said yourself, he was not the one who made a mess of things. I think he deserves a second chance. Just my humble opinion :)
Uhm. I like peace. Peace is good for the outcome of VMK. The smaller the administration, the better...
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