What do you REALLY want to do with your life.


Well-Known Member
A little background: I'm a nutrition major. but im obsessed with space.

My dream job would be to work on the International Space Station.
I'm just not smart enough to be an aerospace engineer. (sadly)
Plus, my senior year of highschool was when NASAs funding was cut and the last thing I wanted was to build planes for the army ( no offense but why would i spend 4 years to build planes when all i really wanna do is be an astronaut)

So since I'm not working on the International Space Station(apparently they dont need a full time nutritionist on board :P) My plan is to save my whole life for the ticket to space. YES ITS REAL and with a real price tag too. $250,000. I hope the price goes down as technology increases, but for now that's what I'm working with.

Other things I'd like to do: Live where the view is so beautiful, It's the reason you want to wake up every morning. See the world. Be happy.

Family wise, I've never seen myself as the mothering type. But, for some reason, it's really hard to find a guy who doesn't want kids. I relate more to the jetsetter lifestyle than the settle down in the white picket fence type. Who knows what the future holds though, people tell me once I hit 30 all I'll be able to think about is babies... I cant even hold one now without wanting to immediately hand it back to its parents. So I forsee this not changing, ever lol

So please, post what you want to do! What you have done, what you don't want to do, what you wanted to be when you were a kid, what your life goals are. If you want a family, if you already have one. Even if you're only goal is to be happy. I love reading this kind of stuff. We're all so different, I'd love to see what others dream about waking up to. go go go~
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Well-Known Member
I want to live life without worrying about money or anything. I don't want to be super-rich with expensive cars and a mansion. Just a comfortable life without having to stress about whether or not I should skip a meal to save a few bucks. Have a small house just out of town, a car that actually works, and maybe even some photography equipment so I can pursue that passion.

Basically, I want to retire in my 20's and have enough money to actually enjoy my life.


Stitch Enthusiast
I just wanna graduate college DEBT FREE which probably won't happen considering I am broke LOL, but definitely pursue my dream career of a speech therapist/special education major, and a minor in psychology/social work, still not 100% sure. I just wanna be successful and make decent money so I don't have to worry too much about budgeting like I do now. I want to live in a nice house and own an expensive car just to go for joy rides in or whenever I go somewhere fancy and visit friends or family. My dream car would be a white range rover or red mustang, both would be nice too. I wanna get married, and have 3 kids ~ 2 twin daughters, and then give them a younger brother. I can't wait till I can have that family and spoil them and give them what they deserve. I just want to live a happy healthy life and raise a family of my own and be successful!


Well-Known Member
I ultimately want to impact someone's life. Be a force for good.
I am getting my degree in teaching, but I don't really know where I am going to go from there.
Just really just do me and be happy. That's ultimately my plan.
I've learned all too often that you have to end up at Plan S even though you had a Plan A.
So I really just am not sure, and that used to scare me, but now I am okay.
I am just living the moment making sure that I make the most of life now and not worry about money in the future.
most of all i want to be able to see the world, but i also want a family so idk how it will without being super rich, but i will

also wasn't there like this thing with nasa last year you could send in a video of why you want to go to space and then the winners could go live on mars after training but you would never come back? I swear it was a real thing
i found it lol > http://www.cnn.com/2013/12/10/tech/innovation/mars-one-plan/index.html
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Well-Known Member
I want to one day work behind the scenes for a big TV company like E!, MTV, CMT, VH1, ect I love the entertainment industry. I also really want to be able to work for different award shows like the AMA's, Academy Awards, ect. I'm going to get a degree in communications with a focus in public relations. :) I've also thought about trying to be a publicist for a celebrity or public figure, if possible.


Well-Known Member
I want to one day work behind the scenes for a big TV company like E!, MTV, CMT, VH1, ect I love the entertainment industry. I also really want to be able to work for different award shows like the AMA's, Academy Awards, ect. I'm going to get a degree in communications with a focus in public relations. :) I've also thought about trying to be a publicist for a celebrity or public figure, if possible.
we might be the same person


Well-Known Member
most of all i want to be able to see the world, but i also want a family so idk how it will without being super rich, but i will

also wasn't there like this thing with nasa last year you could send in a video of why you want to go to space and then the winners could go live on mars after training but you would never come back? I swear it was a real thing
i found it lol > http://www.cnn.com/2013/12/10/tech/innovation/mars-one-plan/index.html
oh my god kms thanks for this awesome find! dang I missed out big time


Literal Princess
I'm working on a degree in Biology with my emphasis in Secondary Education, meaning that I want to teach either middle school or high school Biology. I haven't gotten to really work with middle schoolers yet so I'm leaning toward high school, but I still have two semesters of observing in schools (one more high school and one middle school) before I move on to student teaching. In Colorado, I'll be licensed to teach any science in secondary schools (biology, chemistry, physics, earth science, etc.), which is really exciting but also terrifying. I love biology, obviously, but I also love chemistry (chem is more of a hobby for me) and this semester has shown me that I actually have a knack for physics as well. Eventually I want to teach in a high-risk school, kind of like the school in Freedom Writers. I want to be an educator because I want to make a difference in the lives of kids who never thought they had a chance at becoming anything. So that's where I am with my career path.
I want to move somewhere like Florida because I was born in Hawai'i and belong near the ocean. My parents are thinking about moving down to the Tampa area, and I am so close to them that I would love to follow them down to Florida (while still remaining independent, of course). I just have a really close relationship with my family. However, I am in a serious relationship with a guy who is more of a cold-weather, mountains kinda guy rather than a hot-weather, beachy kinda person like I am, and if we decide to pursue anything more serious than we are currently in right now, I probably won't make a move somewhere like Florida, despite my physical need to be near salt water. He's from Washington State, which has an ocean, so maybe that'll work out. I don't know. I'm thinking pretty far ahead anyway.
Anyway, that's what I want in life. Now you know. :)

**I also thought I might add that I really want to have kids, but at this point our society terrifies me to the point where I wouldn't want to raise a family in this kind of nonsense. I don't want to have to teach my child that police officers are supposed to be good, but don't make them angry because they can use lethal force if they need to prove a point. And I'm not saying this to incite a heated discussion about police officers and racial issues. My boyfriend is a police officer. I just don't want to have to have that kind of conversation with my children, you know? Maybe things will change in the few years ahead before I'm ready to settle down, anyway. I sure hope so.
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My ultimate dream is to be a professional snowboarder but that is far-fetched, in all honesty. It would be sick to live and work in the mountains at a hospital as a nurse in the ER, (I love all the crazy stuff). That or I would love to be an Athletic Trainer at the Winter Olympic training facility. I'm in the middle of earning my bachelors for Integrated Physiology, (basically biology that focuses on moment of the body), so hopefully I'll have the opportunity to live out my dreams.:clap:
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