What would you do if there was no trading


Official Iron Can
In the words of Twilight Zone's Rod Sterling, imagine if you will...

Imagine that MyVMK does not have trading. Everyone owns every item of clothing, magic, furni and pins. There is no need to get credits because everything in the shop is free at an infinite amount.

If there was no need for trading or credits, how would YOU spend your time on MyVMK?

I would personally host games/mixers like trivia for fun and hang out in public rooms more.


Well-Known Member
Building everything I've ever dreamed to build because I don't have to worry about spending the countless hours earning the credits @_@


Well-Known Member
I'd host A LOT more cute or boot games and actually be able to make my COB room into a tiki themed COB room like i've been trying to since the day I started.


Well-Known Member
Honestly i'd be more involved in the social aspect of the game because i don't have to worry about obtaining the items i want to use to express myself in-game
i think the game would have a better social atmosphere and community feel if this were to happen tbh

but then no one would play the minigames LOL


Well-Known Member
I would just play cute or boot and build tons of rooms. But since I love the trading aspect of the site I'd get bored after a month or two and quit :/


Well-Known Member
talk to my friends but that's all i do anyways

trading gives me a headache especially since most people are greedy with items so


Well-Known Member
Go hog-wild building the most elaborate and imaginative rooms I can come up with. Eventually I would recreate every ride at Disneyland in miniature. Even ones that aren't there anymore.

I would pay real live money to play a game that was nothing but the room-building, but with no strings attached or scarcity of items.