What would you do if you were rich ??

What would YOU do if YOU were RICH ??? huhh ?? Write it down below, we're all very excited to see what your answer is !!

If I was rich I would :
Pay someone 100,000 dollars a year to color coordinate fruit-loops into jars.
Except for yellow...I don't like yellow.
Then when everyone would come over I'd say, yo man check THIS out!


Well-Known Member
I'd prepay my college tuition for the next 4 years.


Well-Known Member
I'd use it to pay off my ever growing student loans.
I would use it to travel to Africa on a safe the giraffes expedition.


Well-Known Member
I would pay off my student loans, buy myself and my boyfriend cars that actually function, and get a modest house on a decent plot of land. Invest a decent percentage of what's left. Then buy a decent camera and equipment since mine is dying. Then storm chase forever without worrying about anything anymore.

And if I had all the money in the world, I'd fund a project to put all power lines underground in Tornado Alley so they don't mess up pictures anymore. Nothing more annoying than editing power lines out of a shot.
make spooky island from the scooby doo movie a reality and live there since it's the trop goth destination of my dreams and I can fly all my friends out to some rad private concert on the beach
buy a million cheeseburgers
but like. how about two million

If I were rich I'd buy Studio 54 and live there. It's the my favorite theatre. ♥︎‿♥︎


eyerolling is my cardio.
move to a home in Cali, go to a makeup artistry school then start my own business.
help my friends/family with their debts and needs...
travel to see the world. and help those in need.