What would you do if you were rich ??


Well-Known Member
buy every video game and Disney blu-ray/dvd I've always wanted.

maybe I'd get a mansion but even then it still can't be too big.

I'd donate to charities and good causes, too.

also I'd actually be able to afford the kind of clothing style I like.


like literally if I were rich I'd just be who I normally am but with money to buy things.[DOUBLEPOST=1412596424][/DOUBLEPOST]Addition: I totally would also travel more. I really want to go to China and Japan and revisit the UK.
I would save the money and put it in a bank account. Get a job when I graduate from college and use the money when I retire from my job so I won't have to worry about money when I don't have a job anymore. But I would use the money little by little and not spend it all at once.


Well-Known Member
I like how my first thought was to pay for school, but I'm already in school and I have it 100% paid for.
And I still don't know who I am or what I want to do. So as "smart" as it would sound to say , " OH, College. Of course."
It wouldn't be smart. I'd use that money to gain more knowledge by hands on learning by traveling, helping at the red cross, finding what I like to do and seeing who I am.

Cause honestly, when you're poor... you're most likely not very happy. You've got to work to pay the bills. You find distractions. Kids need to be fed. Lives need to be lived, but you're wasting it all away for a couple dollars an hour. (That's if you don't have a real profession).

In a sense, I'd buy happiness?
I would buy myself a nice mansion with butlers, cooks and maids.
I would have a limousine and some fancy cars.

I would buy a summerhouse by the beach, and buy a yacht of course to go with it.
I would have a big indoor pool, and I would have 2 cats.

I would go on vacations all the time, and stuffs.

Idk what else right now. Oh yes, make someone make me a cool great game that has everything I want in it.
I would pay money to stop the cutting down of the trees in the rain forest,
to stop animal cruelty,
to stop the killing of animals for sport,
to save all the animals that are going extinct,
to end world hunger,
to end war,
to give everyone's money back that the government stole from them

and travel to the uk and japan,
live in california and go to disney land every week and disney world every month
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Ambitious, Opinionated, and Loveable.
I would probably use the money to:
  • Pay for my college tuition
  • Go to Disney World. every summer. Cause, c'mon. It's Disney.
  • Travel all around Europe
  • Buy myself an Audi and buy my boyfriend a nice Ford truck so he can stop driving that '94 old explorer.
  • Build a super amazing hotel at Disney that will be super awesome and when I stay, I'll have the entire floor for my friends and family.
  • Meet the cast of PLL, OUAT, and Awkward.
  • And uh. I would totally invest in that Spooky Island idea mentioned earlier.


i'd visit all my friends all over the world and try 2 help people who need it most and in-general just save the world
i'll also buy lots of cute clothes for myself and then buy furniture for my dorm and pay for college tuition and i'd also get a new car and also a new house for my family bc why not


Musical Theatre Fanatic
Go to all the concerts I want, get myself a car once I get my license, and pay for college if I don't get a scholarship somehow. Or grants. idek.
I'd pay off my college tuition (kinda sad that this is such a huge priority for so many), donate to my church & give some to my family (since they've made me who I am today), and buy myself and my parents the houses on Disney property and go ALL THE TIME. :squee:


Well-Known Member
I'd pay off not only mine, but my sisters and mom's students debt. Then I'd buy my mom a house she wants and spend the rest of my life traveling the world and learning about my mom's heritage. Also buy my favorite ice cream factory for endless ice cream and whoever makes warheads, i'd buy them too.