What would you do if you were rich ??


Well-Known Member
buy all the makeup in the world, build my own house and buy a jeep rubicon in white


get a house on a giant plot of land near the woods and probably take in every animal i find on the street even if it isnt a stray id be like "ur mine now"
adopt a bunch of guinea pigs and name them all Greg
Build a TARDIS in my front yard that goes vwoooop vwoooop REALLY LOUD whenever someone walks by
pay matt smith to love me.
the end.
I'd pay back my family - buy them and my best friend whatever they want, pay for the rest of my tuition until I get my master's degree, live in a nice place off campus close to the beach, buy groceries from Whole Foods and buy from stores like Anthropologie, Express, and Urban Outfitters often lol I'd vacation up in Orlando on breaks, visit other places in America while still in college and travel abroad when I finish. Publish a book, direct my own animated movie, compose/release an entire music album, run my own business of some sort I suppose. These are just dreams, possibly goals if I ever am provided the money, opportunity, and time.


MyVMKPal Webmaster Dev
If we're talking about STUPID rich, i would buy an island. Put a massive house on that island, and then I would have a crew of people who worked to keep up the house and island. Each person would have a house and family that lived there. The family would work for me and the property. Kids would have a school. Fully functioning utilities and those working for that. And then I would find a way to make money off this island, possibly agriculture or some form of water conversion. Or i could use the land as a call center. Shoot, why not make and sell drugs for profit too.

If i were modestly rich, i would have a little online business and live in a house on the beach.
I'd start a cruise line.
I mean, I'm going to start a cruise line regardless, but being rich would make things a whole lot easier ;)

That's really how you should all look at this thread though.
Not, "If I were rich I'd...", but "If I were rich, it'd make (insert goal) a lot easier".
I believe in all of you. So, start believing in yourself.

Go chase those dreams, even if they're buying an ice cream truck or starting a country. :P


Hungry photographer
I would probably buy a new lens for my camera,
prepay my college tuition, pay off my student loans,
and I'd use the rest to supply the less fortunate with
a local safehouse that actually assists with legal
matters, job inquiries, addictions, and sickness.

With what's left over, I'd love to donate to the
peace core foundation, as well as a foundation
that preserves land, instead of allowing major
corporations to buy it up, which causes plant
competition, and lack of homes for animals. :look:


Well-Known Member
TRAVEL. LITERALLY EVERYWHERE....If i had all the money in the world, i would take the longest trip to Europe. Id visit my favorite countries, France, Italy, GB, and Spain. THEN I would go to Africa. I've always wanted to pet an elephant but idk if i can do that there...but i would go on a safari and see all the wild animals <3 Then i would probs go to like Bora Bora or Thailand and treat myself to a relaxing vacation <3...Then i would return home to a nice apartment in NYC.... :swoon::swoon: