VMK players leaving or not playing


Active Member
I have noticed that in the last week the numbers of players in the Kingdom at any given time has really gone down. I know I do not play as much as I would if there were more things to do. Right now all I have time to do when I am in the kingdom is play Fireworks to earn credits since FW or Clamming is the only 2 real ways to earn credits right now. I know Amy is working hard to roll out other things and I really am thankful for being able to play at all. But maybe people need some incentive to play more often or not leave the kingdom.

Instead of just having a new item release once a week on Tues. What about having a special item release on the week-ends. Release 1 or 2 items on Friday night at or around 10 pm and retire it on Sunday night at the same time. Making it a limited release item.

Maybe add an in game quest or two with an awesome prize at the end, I am sure any of us previous VMK players would love to help with that.

Right now I do not think the game is holding the attention of the players with so little to do/work for in the game.


i don't know
well, i think it's just because some people realized that the game may take up a lot of their time,
whether it's for work or school, so they've tried to play less.
there's not that many people who play because it's only been spread by word of mouth,
but i do see what you're saying.
i think more stuff could be released, but if amy is busy with other things to improve the game, then she should do that.


The Confused One.
Right now I believe the Quests are currently not functioning. I think Amy is still working on those.

I know I haven't been on all too much over recent days as I got sidetracked by a show over the weekend and also had to study and do work for school. It happens but hopefully we see more people tonight/tomorrow since we will have new items being released. Hoping for Haunted Mansion o_o


Well-Known Member
maybe have limited items on the weekends like u said, but still have the Tuesday spooky special. giving us more items to play with and trade around. also cant wait until everything is opened it does bring back so many memory's!


original vmk player
If they released some of the items again, like ears, firewalls, clothing, people might come back to get those items
I somewhat agree, but disagree at the same time.

The reason it feels so empty is because the vast majority of all players are at Fireworks. That's why there are four instances for Fireworks while there are only two for normal rooms. You also need to factor in that there are probably a lot of people that were left behind after OVMK. I wouldn't have bothered to look for MVMK if it weren't for Tessa, and i'm sure there are a lot of other people that are entirely unaware that MVMK exists after OVMK's failure.

Although it is true, it does seem like less and less people are playing, and that can be due to a number of other reasons. School is a major reason. If you want to see the game grow you should be in other Disney themed/related forums spreading the word. There's a lot of people that could potentially come back to this game if they knew about it, when in reality, only a very small percentage of the original VMK player-base even know about MVMK.

The amount of content being released consistently isn't a MAJOR factor even though it does contribute. Amy has done a great job at releasing Fireworks, and with the slow but steady development and release of content to come i'm pretty sure we'll see MVMK grow. Like the poster before me, if you want this game to grow you need to spread the word.
Right now there's not much for me to do. I'm waiting for quests (hidden mickey, as well as driving, diving, and space magic), more host events, and pirates! I'll be patient though.


Well-Known Member
1 thing I noticed which is a big turn off is the maturity level ( least on the forums).
In trading threads , numerous people feel the need to bash the trader or put their personal opinions ( your never gonna get it for that price).Countless spam threads as well.In chat not a day goes by that people are not in there fighting.
This is just my observations.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure that additional specials would help at this point, since it's all that many folks can do to afford the ones that are out now or coming out later this month. Personally, I think that once players have saved a good supply of credits beyond what they need for the next release, they will have more time to just hang out in the game and enjoy themselves.

I'm guessing that the Alice ride pieces will bring a lot of folks out of hiding. More permanent items like this (coffin teleporters? Please?) would keep players interested while the economy is building up, IMO.

I know Amy is working diligently on all of this. It's hard to be patient, especially for those of us who remember the old items. :D
i honestly have hardly been on this past week and a half. theres not really a lot of people to talk to it seems like cause everyone is playing fireworks or clamming and i haven't felt like either but i'll probably be online sometime soon to get some credits, although i can only usually stand to play a game or two of fireworks in a sitting.


Well-Known Member
1 thing I noticed which is a big turn off is the maturity level ( least on the forums).
In trading threads , numerous people feel the need to bash the trader or put their personal opinions ( your never gonna get it for that price).Countless spam threads as well.In chat not a day goes by that people are not in there fighting.
This is just my observations.
I somewhat agree, especially about the maturity level...

Another reason people may not be on is because they can't get in. Some (including myself) still have major problems getting in. Also, as others have stated, school is a big factor. I also know of some who don't play anymore (or they play less now) because they disagree with many decisions that have been made for the game.

I don't think items would help any of the above reasons.
maybe have limited items on the weekends like u said, but still have the Tuesday spooky special. giving us more items to play with and trade around. also cant wait until everything is opened it does bring back so many memory's!
Not suggesting Amy get rid of the Tues. items just suggesting that a week-end special be added.

I somewhat agree, but disagree at the same time.

The reason it feels so empty is because the vast majority of all players are at Fireworks. That's why there are four instances for Fireworks while there are only two for normal rooms. You also need to factor in that there are probably a lot of people that were left behind after OVMK. I wouldn't have bothered to look for MVMK if it weren't for Tessa, and i'm sure there are a lot of other people that are entirely unaware that MVMK exists after OVMK's failure.

Although it is true, it does seem like less and less people are playing, and that can be due to a number of other reasons. School is a major reason. If you want to see the game grow you should be in other Disney themed/related forums spreading the word. There's a lot of people that could potentially come back to this game if they knew about it, when in reality, only a very small percentage of the original VMK player-base even know about MVMK.

The amount of content being released consistently isn't a MAJOR factor even though it does contribute. Amy has done a great job at releasing Fireworks, and with the slow but steady development and release of content to come i'm pretty sure we'll see MVMK grow. Like the poster before me, if you want this game to grow you need to spread the word.
I am not talking about people in the game playing fireworks, I am talking numbers in the game. There used to be at any given time 300 in the game now I am only seeing 200 and under in the game. I am not going by numbers of people I "see" playing but stats. You can check the stats anytime you like here https://bassh.net/myvmk/isup

I know Amy is doing her best, I did suggest that some of us veteran VMK players could offer our help if need be.

I think the numbers are diminishing because there is not a lot to do and maybe with week end specials, it would boost players.

I totally disagree with you about items being released not being a factor in the game, it is a BIG factor now as it was in VMK. I can not address OVMK as I did not play it. I was a beta tester for VMK and played everyday until the last second on the day of closing May 21, 2008 when it faded to black.


Well-Known Member
I think more, and varied, host games would help boost player attendance and morale :)

I'm sure we'll see this when the new staff are in place.


Well-Known Member
1 thing I noticed which is a big turn off is the maturity level ( least on the forums).
In trading threads , numerous people feel the need to bash the trader or put their personal opinions ( your never gonna get it for that price).Countless spam threads as well.In chat not a day goes by that people are not in there fighting.
This is just my observations.
I definitely agree with this. I know a few people who have kids who won't let them play simply because of the lack of moderation. It's not that they aren't trying, but the forums especially have gone downhill. People are constantly de-railing threads, posting spam, and flaming threads without any kind of warning or consequence. People are always sharing contact info as well (Skype, (NSFW) Instagram, (NSFW) Tumblr, etc) which is supposed to be against the rules, but apparently it's not. I made the mistake once of going into a "Post your tumblr/instagram" thread, and it was so great to see so much porn and drug use on everyone's tumblr (not). Maybe they'll hire some forum/game staff soon before things get too out of control. We wouldn't want another Habbo Situation would we?
um well personally i have had problems logging in and so i've just given up for a while. and then there are also other mini games i'd rather play but aren't open to test out yet. i know everything is still being worked on so it's ok but those are just my reasons.
Not suggesting Amy get rid of the Tues. items just suggesting that a week-end special be added.

I am not talking about people in the game playing fireworks, I am talking numbers in the game. There used to be at any given time 300 in the game now I am only seeing 200 and under in the game. I am not going by numbers of people I "see" playing but stats. You can check the stats anytime you like here https://bassh.net/myvmk/isup
You're correct then in that it's stats, facts. However, what time is the question I want to know when you're looking at it. When everyone's in school? Asleep? Time zone is a factor. Is it the weekend or week-day. Considering all that, I wouldn't say the number of active players is diminishing. What I think causes a potential decrease in player-activity is the fact that the players that care more about the social aspect have been "left out." How? The fact that there aren't a great deal of options when building your room, which is the greatest social draw for VMK.

I think you and other people are more upset about this game not being as socially active as it were when Fireworks wasn't released. That's understandable, and in my opinion adding more items to the catalog for people to create new themed rooms would be a good draw for the social aspect instead of the heavily focused mini-game aspect (which to me feels is the point of focus currently).

I totally disagree with you about items being released not being a factor in the game, it is a BIG factor now as it was in VMK. I can not address OVMK as I did not play it. I was a beta tester for VMK and played everyday until the last second on the day of closing May 21, 2008 when it faded to black.
I never said it isn't, I simply said it isn't a major factor right now. People already know new items are going to be continuously released until the end of the month. We know Amy can virtually at any given moment introduce "new" items into the game. I don't think she's been worrying about it since there isn't a massive out-cry for a boat load of items to be added. For now I think we should sit tight till the end of the month until the "October," "Halloween" themed items are finished with their release, THEN we can start making our case for new items to be released with a quickness. (;

I'm sure items is on Amy's radar, but as we all know it is one of her many "main focus" points in progressing with development.

EDIT: You can also look at it from the point of view that what's currently in-game isn't everyone's cup of tea. Some people detest Fireworks and prefer PoTC, and i'm sure there are quite a few that won't even log on until that point in time. The same can be said about people who aren't playing because of the limited options for room-building. We'd all like for everything to be released this very second, but the fact of the matter is Amy is working on multiple different things and will systematically release everything in due time. The game will grow steadily as things are steadily released. That's my hope and what I believe will most likely happen. After all, i'm sure we're all in agreement that this game can't go anywhere but up.


Well-Known Member
I think the numbers are diminishing because there is not a lot to do and maybe with week end specials, it would boost players.

I totally disagree with you about items being released not being a factor in the game, it is a BIG factor now as it was in VMK.
It's hard to get excited about limited releases when you don't have the income to afford them all. I believe that regular items had a greater impact on VMK than specials in the early days of the game, when it came to creating rooms and games for other players to enjoy. There are many furniture pieces missing in MyMVK that were present in VMK from day one, and I'm hoping that their re-addition, along with more ways to earn credits, will give the game stability.
It's hard to get excited about limited releases when you don't have the income to afford them all. I believe that regular items had a greater impact on VMK than specials in the early days of the game, when it came to creating rooms and games for other players to enjoy. There are many furniture pieces missing in MyMVK that were present in VMK from day one, and I'm hoping that their re-addition, along with more ways to earn credits, will give the game stability.
I totally agree Alice. The key is more money earning power and more items. I wish there was someway that Amy could release the kelloggs codes and the other free codes that were available to all at the beginning of VMK. Starting out with 250 credits and no way to earn credits quickly, I think makes people lose interest in the game and I think that is showing in the STATS.
I totally agree Alice. The key is more money earning power and more items. I wish there was someway that Amy could release the kelloggs codes and the other free codes that were available to all at the beginning of VMK. Starting out with 250 credits and no way to earn credits quickly, I think makes people lose interest in the game and I think that is showing in the STATS.
That's why Amy increased the reward rate of Fireworks... it's not that this game is "too difficult." It only seemed like VMK was easier because everyone and their dog was cloning. If you want the game to be easier after the Fireworks buff that's just people wanting hand outs.