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  • I hope that we one day get awesome boys! C: *fingers crossed*

    Go get 'em girly! LOL C:
    I should have totally used that today... *facepalms* why didn't I think of that?
    Yeah, to me, muscles are a big turn-off. Like, the freakish body builder kind. I can handle ball player muscles and all, but sometimes they make me sick. But muscles don't attract me to boys tbh. It's all about three things:

    Weird combo w/ the hair ik, but I'm a sucker for curly hair omg
    Sorry, I'm a bit of an anime geek C: LOL

    And omg yes. I wouldn't be able to handle a stereotypical jock omg. I'll stick to my fellow band students tyvm
    Mine watches anime (same as me) reads manga (same as me) plays video games (same as me) I guess you could say I'm the technical nerd out of us... I'm getting my computer technician's license senior year (two year vocational school alongside high school).
    But ungh. Boys omg LOL

    And nerds are so cute.
    am not terrible am realistic and am not breaking any more rules than anyone else in the thread so.
    Same. This is like the most intense crush ever. Like, I've never crushed on classmates, but actors/singers sure. Frick like ungh boys omg

    And same. Mine's a "nerd" too. We have equal levels of dorkiness omg
    OMG no it makes total sense! THAT IS EXACTLY HOW I FEEL! Like, up until now, I've never really cared about being in a relationship/having a boyfriend/etc. I was completely fine with just going about my school and graduating without having to worry about trivial teenager stuff (still a junior jsyk) and like bam. He comes out of the blue and it's all I can think about. Like, can you not? Ugh so close to being done. Never had a crush on any classmates/attraction/anything. And then this stupid boy comes along and all I can do is go unghhhh and pull my hair out.

    And like he's so awkward and adorable and clueless and it frustrates me but imo it makes him all the more adorable.
    C: LOL well, to an extent I would. If I know it wouldn't genuinely upset my friend or hurt them, and it's just doing something for them that they couldn't do themselves, then yes. But I refuse to do so without consent because any form of outing someone is not right. I'm fun and goofy, but I do at least respect wishes of those around me C:

    and ungh I need a cute boy to mack on LOL #foreveralone sob
    I would totally be fine with that happening ;) LOL Come on. It's a cute boy. Who wouldn't be?! LOLOL.

    If you ever need that extra push, I'm always here C: LOL my friends think I'm pretty good motivation. "Tell him or I will for you!" *starts screaming* SHE LIKES Y- *muffled by hand*
    I've never actually seen someone with that in action, so I'm not really sure how it works, but as long as you give it your all, it'll be okay. I'm sorry that it makes social situations difficult for you. :/

    I can't say I have the same problem regarding things. I'm a very outward person... I guess you could say. The only thing I might do to social interactions is make people uncomfortable sometimes LOL.

    And I hope it means something. Lol I should just like lay one on him on the dance floor and see what he does. LOL jk I would never do that. But it would be priceless to see his face.
    I would probably try to start out with like... A joke. Like, not gonna lie, most of the time if I make a bad joke, I just stupidly laugh at it and that makes ze boy laugh... Cuz it's like "Aww...she's so cute cuz she thinks she's funny but not..."

    I always try to approach things with humor though because it's my comfort zone.

    And ungh he might be going to prom with me TT^TT
    Well that same night (I never knew this happened btw) when we were at the dance, we danced and he said that it was "kinda nice"...? like whut
    Ugh. Omg. One of my two guy besties told him that I liked him the night of one of our dances. And the guy I liked said "I kinda got that vibe."

    !!! How do you even take something like that?!
    Ugh!!! I know, right? Like, why can't boys tell us how it is?! Especially if they apparently already know that you like them???
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