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  1. Elessar

    Please pray for me

    Hey, I know we've never spoken, but I just wanted to say hang in there. I know surgery can be incredibly scary and recovery can be even scarier. I had my entire thyroid removed a few years ago - so that's a surgeon cutting into my neck to remove a vital organ - and I had a lot of anxiety before...
  2. Elessar

    Goodbye, sort of.

    Yeah so this is just me saying I'm not on much anymore both because I'm realizing what a time suck this game is with minimal to no genuine reward and also I'm just a progressively busier person than I was three months ago with work, school, etc. I'll still pop on occasionally to see what new...
  3. Elessar

    Junk4sale bc I want dem new ears tonight

  4. Elessar

    CFH Replies

    In the old game when you reported someone, it would just say something along the lines of "Thank you for reporting the issue. We will look into it." They never told you what they did with a person because that's confidential between the offending party and the staff. If staff shared what the...
  5. Elessar

    Very Important Announcement: Please Read!

    Please by all means remove this if it somehow violates rules, but I have something to say. And also when I say "you" in this post, it's a general thing; no specifics, I don't want to sound like I'm trying to personally attack anyone in particular, though I'm sure parts of this will come off that...
  6. Elessar

    PM me w/your availability if and when you can :D up to 26 now!!

    PM me w/your availability if and when you can :D up to 26 now!!
  7. Elessar

    Friendly Pirates Players Finder

    Looking for friendly players in West! :D
  8. Elessar

    I've got 18+ piles of ash for you whenever we are mutually online :)

    I've got 18+ piles of ash for you whenever we are mutually online :)
  9. Elessar

    Paint in the night Mickey ears?

    I'd assume based on previous releases they'd be available at the Emporium? In a previous publication of the newsletter - I'm talking like hours ago, it changed since I got back online - it said there would be 16 pairs each sold separately ... so unless something's changed (since that part is now...
  10. Elessar

    Paint in the night Mickey ears?

    Paint The Night is the parade that's going on at DLR right now. The 16 different colored ears are to represent the multicolored aspect.
  11. Elessar

    Paint the Night Ears?

    :/ that would be awesome, wouldn't it Idk how well glowing items work with this game though - would cause a lot of lag most likely
  12. Elessar

    Junk4sale bc I want dem new ears tonight

    Can do - in FL Courtyard East if you're on now (:
  13. Elessar

    Paint the Night Ears?

    I'm no staff member but if I had to guess and infer based on newsletter, I'd say it's safe to assume there are a total of 16 different pairs of ears, and if they are consistent with previous hat prices then they are each 1000 credits. So for all ears, that's 16k total. But again, I'm no staff...
  14. Elessar

    Junk4sale bc I want dem new ears tonight

    Yeah I'll do that; I'm in Esplanade currently if you're around (:
  15. Elessar

    Junk4sale bc I want dem new ears tonight

    Not sure on value - offer?
  16. Elessar

    Junk4sale bc I want dem new ears tonight

    FURNI: 3x Pirate Maze Wall 3x Pirate Maze Wall w/Cannons 3x Retro Space Mountain Poster 2x Retro Haunted Mansion Poster 1x Pirate Treasure Rug Small 1x Pirate Throne Pewter Black PINS: 1x Father's Day 2015 1x 4th of July Fireworks Magic 1x Pixie Dust Magic 1x Pirates - Minnie's Reward 1x...
  17. Elessar

    .:*:.:** ~ I DESIRE ASH ~ **:.:*:.

    @Tohrukun - so it'll be Ash Wednesday? @Mothstradamus - I see you around occasionally in the Courtyard ... if you're on later when I am and I bump into you (gently of course, I'm no raging rhino) you are more than welcome to the smoldering remains of my enemies. I mean ash. I'll ash you to...
  18. Elessar

    What are you reading?

    @Whispered omg thank you because more often than not reading reviews I feel alone in my views. Finished Slade House like an hour after I posted hehe, VERY good companion to Bone Clocks or generally as a standalone it's great. Highly recommend picking it up at the end of October when it comes...
  19. Elessar

    Raffle for Stitch Hat

    Thank you for the generous gesture! (Volunteering in a police department? That sounds pretty awesome!)
  20. Elessar

    Goodbye From PudgeTheFish... (On August 1st)

    I never got the chance to get to know you personally, but just from seeing you around the forums and occasionally in-game it's clear that you're a very bright and talented young human. I think taking a step away and deciding to redirect focus on your life and academics is such a wise decision...