As one door closes, so must another..

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Forever Noob!
Oswald I have heard so may great things about you and I wish I had got to know ya as a friend. Going to be sad to hear another member is leaving but I pray the Lord blesses you in whatever your future holds.
You have played a big part in this game and you will be missed. Thank you for everything you have done! Unleash the Magic!

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Well-Known Member
I honestly know exactly what you're talking about, and clearly I don't blame you. My time is short as well, for reasons similar to yours. I'm going to miss you buddy <3


Well-Known Member
I'm sad to hear this. I'm sure we've interacted only once or twice, but I know that we are losing a great player <3 You will be missed


Well-Known Member
Os I didn't know you but the times we played POTC together you were a lot of fun to be around. Sorry to see you go but you have to do what makes you happy. We will miss you. Good luck with everything.

Hugs :)
You all are the reason I will truly miss this game. For the most part, the community is absolutely amazing (even if the "management" isnt) and I will miss getting the chance to interact with you all.

Thank you all for being awesome!

P.s. If you ever need me, feel free to message me on here! Im always open to listening and ill check my messages from time to time!
Not Oswald! Who am I gonna tease?? I'm going to miss you lots, sometimes i really do feel like quitting this game myself, but the final choice is really up to yourself, would you live in your childhood forever, or grow up and never come back? Kinda like a neverland thing. Anyways, I really enjoyed talking to you, people like you and @Mothstradamus really made me an all around happier person, and I'm glad I got to know you. Thank for all the good talks, and thanks for helping with fantasmic, you truly are amazing, and i truly mean it. As Mickey Mouse always says, "see ya real soon" xoxo ~Prim
I know exactly how you feel but am always sorry to see a player go. I usually say "take a break, have a breather" and this is still something I believe in, even with your reasons. Take some time to accept that this game is corrupt and once you do then come back for the players/friends you have made. After all, they are the important part of any game ;)
:DJust wanted to give an update now that forums are back!

After I posted this thread, some of you may have seen me in game which seemed contradictory to this thread. I only got on to give out all of my inventory so that others (who can still stomach this game) would be able to enjoy some of the old items that I loved so much! Now that I have done that, I am out of the game for good! I hope everyone enjoys the items they got from me! Ill probably still check forums from time to time (how can I live without seeing the drama people are causing? lol you know who you are!) but as for in game, I wont be around. This rabbit has gone back to his brer patch! Thanks again for all the fun memories we made here! I hate to allow certain people to taint those, so now I am off! I wish you all the best that life has to offer and all the happiness in the world!

~ Oswald

p.s. this is for you @Captain-Heather :pluto:, you did everything right! :)


Forever Noob!
Again, sorry to see ya go but THANKS so much for the great pins and furnish you gave away. I will cherish the thoughts of your giving and the memories of VMK always.
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