Clarifications on Recent Changes

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Well-Known Member
Like I said right after the game started that I saw favoritism going on and everyone told me I was wrong. Guess what ever one is now seeing it. When you have teenagers and young adults running the game of course they are going to use the power and do what they want and help their friends out and have surprise events to give prizes to there friends. If this game was being run by a corporation this stuff would not be happening. I do appreciate Amy for getting the game back up and running but when you use friends as staff and they use there friends things like this happen.
I always saw favouritism. In fact if I remember correctly, the firewalls being a 1 day sale was told to staff friends before anyone else, and people wondered if the friend didn't tell people, if anyone would have known other than those "in the know". Always been favouritism and conflicts of interest.

I had a similar experience where Amy kicked me away from the sword so that a staff member could have the stone manipulated so that the staff member could win a very rare pin. It has always made me wonder how the rare random generator events (ie Christmas) and crates were manipulated for some. Thank you for sharing your experience, Lost. At least I know I'm not the only one :)
Thanks for speaking up. :) I'm really not trying to bash staff, just air problems and injustices that have happened and been happening. There are many more, towards me and others but I'm glad people can stand up and know they're not alone in the unfairness.

Everyone has been super supportive and I'm grateful.
*raises hands* can I say something?

All of you are saying how immaturely staff is acting but isn't Amy 19-20? She's learning. You can't really hold these ridiculously high expectations of how stuff should be handled when more than half of us are older than her and still don't have our lives figured out. She's just one person, one young person and all of these "mature" adults are coming down on her head. Calm down, breathe, and take a break from the game for a week. Let your head cool off a bit.
I just want to say that age doesn't amount to maturity. Cricket posted a new blog post in which someone says Kali is 40+ calling a 16 year old the B and C word. I'm 19 and wouldn't even do that to anyone no matter their age and no matter the reason. Just because I'm young doesn't make me immature. Just because one is older doesn't make them mature.
I believe the only way for the game to move on in a calm and genuine matter is for the people who have wronged to come forward and apologize, be honest about what they have done, and for a new position to be filled. At this point everyone can't co-exist on this game and truly be comfortable considering what has happened. It's a classic case of "the Revolutionary War" I may being using an extreme example but hey.

England was pricing tax on tea too high, staff is empowering other staff to a certain stage, to place blame on all of the staff is childish but I have to admit this occurrence has definitely brought out the true colors of some staff-members I personally have trusted. There is a definite change that needs to be made, just like America (bare with me here) players will leave and find another game (or would start another VMK if that was a possibility).

Of course there can be a brighter future, don't lose hope and don't belittle other players for caring or backing up staff. BUT if there is to be a genuine change, EVERYONE (staff and players included) need to start treating each other with some respect. Opinions matter. OUR opinions matter, we have a right just as staff does to have a say. How strong of a say? Well I don't know that answer. I honestly don't. But there needs to be communication without secrecy. It is ridiculous what has happened, people deserve at the least an explanation of why so many beloved staff have left as well as hopes for a brand new *non-bias* staff. With that in mind, players I please ask you. Have a heart, not everyone is perfect and we do stupid things.

Let's all take a breather, life will go on so calm your minds for a moment.



Well-Known Member
The fact that there has been absolutely no word from any of the staff members that all of this is directed towards says a lot about the lack of leadership in this game. We can only conclude that all the accusations thus far are true.
Right now, we need a leader to clear all this up. I noticed Amy removed herself from the Staff list on the forums. Honestly, there are very few good staff left that I feel can appropriately continue to run the game; and they're in hiding. No word from Lisa, no word from Amy, and no response from Absolem.
Reading the Skype logs that were recently posted, it's apparent that the majority of the people who actually care about the future of this game, and are not power hungry have already jumped ship. We're only left with the power hungry, favor-playing staff members.
I wish to keep the essence of VMK alive, and honestly, this whole fiasco does not deserve to be associated with my childhood memories.

And no this is not "just a game". Do not tell the people who care about the future of their childhood game to "just relax". I am not going to sit by and watch as power-hungry, underserving individuals take over this game and ruin it for everyone else.


End of MYVMK as we knew it 5/2/2015
PhantomAvenger said:
*raises hands* can I say something?

All of you are saying how immaturely staff is acting but isn't Amy 19-20? She's learning. You can't really hold these ridiculously high expectations of how stuff should be handled when more than half of us are older than her and still don't have our lives figured out. She's just one person, one young person and all of these "mature" adults are coming down on her head. Calm down, breathe, and take a break from the game for a week. Let your head cool off a bit.

Well I see it like this, she started the game for players enjoyment , not one person left, it was a mass exodus ! the players question why, and we got excuses, and were actually told its none of our business. Amy doesn't like confrontation well you have to take the good with the bad if your leader of the gang . And sorry I am tired, I was sleeping, I can't confront people unless someone is beside me, doesn't cut it for a explanation. I don't see anywhere where anyone from this now dysfunctional admin has accepted any responsibility for anything. The show will go on the same way, secret events that Kali's friends will get rare from and Hosts still can enter competitions and win .
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Well-Known Member
I think it is great that everyone is allowed to speak their minds.
I am awfully upset at what has transpired throughout the past few days with this game.
This game used to be my stress relief, I would be able to relive my childhood whenever I got super stressed.
I made amazing friends and each month I was so excited to see where this game was going to go.
Mayhem as the theme for May is oddly a good theme as it is expressing what is happening right now.
I am horrified as I read the tumblr posts (I couldn't even get through most of it, to what most of you probably thought was the worst).
I would like to thank Jasmine, Maui, Nemo, and Dragon (if there were more, I am sorry I didn't read all of it) for truly standing up for the vision of this game and for the players.
This post gave absolutely no clarification to the worries and the questions that players have, and that is disheartening.
I would like more of an explanation to many questions that we have, and from the top sources that would be preferable.
Thank you to the community of the forums for standing up when you see injustice.
There are some amazing people here and if our words are heard, myVMK has a future.
Investigation needs to be done on all of the host and staff, from what I am hearing on this forum.
I would be okay if myVMK had to shut down for a few days to get this sorted out, because I just want a game that makes me smile after a long, hard day.


Well-Known Member
The fact that there has been absolutely no word from any of the staff members that all of this is directed towards says a lot about the lack of leadership in this game. We can only conclude that all the accusations thus far are true.
Right now, we need a leader to clear all this up. I noticed Amy removed herself from the Staff list on the forums. Honestly, there are very few good staff left that I feel can appropriately continue to run the game; and they're in hiding. No word from Lisa, no word from Amy, and no response from Absolem.
Reading the Skype logs that were recently posted, it's apparent that the majority of the people who actually care about the future of this game, and are not power hungry have already jumped ship. We're only left with the power hungry, favor-playing staff members.
I wish to keep the essence of VMK alive, and honestly, this whole fiasco does not deserve to be associated with my childhood memories.

And no this is not "just a game". Do not tell the people who care about the future of their childhood game to "just relax". I am not going to sit by and watch as power-hungry, underserving individuals take over this game and ruin it for everyone else.
My hope is that all of this is being discussed in the staff chat and appropriate action and discourse will be taken in the near future. This thread was a hasty attempt to bring the peace and it did the opposite. I'm guessing they are regrouping and figuring out where to go next, either that or they will try brush it all under the carpet and wait for all this to run out of steam and continue on like everything is fine. Only time will tell.

The game and forums should have been separate from the start, but as this was created by Amy before the game was released, this became the main forum. A good example would be the separation of church and state. They are both important to people but mixed together can be a dangerous combo. I was shocked to see Abs become an admin on the forums in the midst of all this and with Amy stepping down on her forum position.

What I bolded was well said. The person who leaked the chats has said that they will screen share people to prove anything, so I have no real reason to doubt these transcripts posted and I agree a lot of the staff that really seemed to care left. Those who have done things the community is strongly against or defended those actions remain.
Just throwing it out there that a particular staff member (who I will not name just in case they don't want me to) who was not involved in this but stayed is an absolute godsend and is EXACTLY the type of staff member to look up to. I don't know the rest of the staff team, but it still feels like a massive disappointment to many.
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Well-Known Member
This game has completely gotten out of hand. It in no way represents what VMK was and used to be. The amount of disrespect and unfairness showed towards players from staff members is astounding. I have talked with a few people about this and I and them are going to be reverse engineering the original game and creating our own private server as we all have the knowledge and skills to do so. We want to create the game and piece it back to what it was, creating a game with no favoritism or drama. A game that brings that magic that is Disney right to your computer screen. If you have any questions, concerns, or skills that you think would be useful to my team you may kik me [content removed]. The game will be invite only so please contact me for details. Thank you, and best wishes to MyVMK.
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Emperor Kuzco
I don't think super rare items should have been given unannounced at 3:00am! I don't think Tink and Snow should have been perm-banned! I think that this staff system is completely sad.. You guys are staff members and need to learn that non-host/staff/admins look up to you! You are all(staff) are basically kids and I think you need to get more experienced people on the team! This game is not even VMK anymore, because the original game didn't have this many problems with staff members! You all need to get this stuff fixed quickly.. (P.S. Im trying really hard not to cuss right now due to my level of anger) 1 last thing im going to say about this before I explode.. You staff/admins need to learn to listen to your players that are on the game because we are not a community.. YOU ALL NEED TO VALUE WHAT PLAYERS HAVE TO SAY AND LEARN HOW TO TAKE FEEDBACK WITHOUT BANNING ALL THE STAFF MEMBERS!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for speaking up. :) I'm really not trying to bash staff, just air problems and injustices that have happened and been happening. There are many more, towards me and others but I'm glad people can stand up and know they're not alone in the unfairness.
I never planned on sharing that information here because I chalked it up to a learning experience. Never was bitter about it, but I was disappointed in the behavior.
by the way, if you're on the game right now, but are advocating for a change here on the forums, you're kind of a hypocrite. sorry!
You are correct, Oreo. Stand by your convictions.


Well-Known Member
I won't name names but this was taken from the skype log

"roughly 3 'super rares’ were given out in 5 events.. i just do not see the problem with that"

That makes me angry. The fact that a moderator who isn't a HOST is hosting these secret events and giving out SUPER RARES and things like DREAM BADGES. It damages the integrity of the game and staff. I can't believe a staff member said they didn't see a problem with it. The person who hosted the event had friends who they probably told about the events beforehand/ knew they would be on at that time because they hang out all the time, not only in public rooms but also in one of her staff accounts locked room. Giving out super rares in secret events, where the staff hosting it has friends in the room who knew about the events and were at most/ all of them IS A PROBLEM. IT'S A BIG PROBLEM.


Anything more than 0 under the circumstances is a serious problem about the game and staffs integrity and the whole trading system and values and favouritism.

I didn't really want to quote and evaluate things said in that chat but this has been sticking in my mind since I read it and if this is the mentality of the staff that are left (as it came from one of the staff who is still here) then this game has yet more problems.


Well-Known Member
I never planned on sharing that information here because I chalked it up to a learning experience. Never was bitter about it, but I was disappointed in the behavior.
You are correct, Oreo. Stand by your convictions.
It's not about being bitter it's about holding people accountable for their actions which can affect the game negatively. Too many things like this have happened to me and others and things don't get said because we're grateful for the game and we don't want to get a random perm ban for speaking up. If we don't speak up now nothing will change.
I always saw favoritism In fact if I remember correctly, the firewalls being a 1 day sale was told to staff friends before anyone else, and people wondered if the friend didn't tell people, if anyone would have known other than those "in the know". Always been favoritism and conflicts of interest.

The firewall sale was more like a 6 hour sale and "magically" certain people knew to buy up a ton of them, which by the way is odd because at that time credits were very hard to come by, NPCs and clams were about it. I remember seeing rooms with 30-40 or more firewalls at that time. The stench of insider favoritism about this and FlipHats also a short sale, stuck with me. I'm not going to toss out accusations etc, but all staff must have known this was a problem at the time and should have corrected the "leaked info" by selling them again for a short period to allow others to get them who didn't. This game did start off on the wrong foot, I was vocal about it then, but it was never corrected or addressed. Felt the same way about how rares like stitch etc were amazingly appearing on ppl who didn't even play that much, again the appearance of some favoritism. Thank you Lost, for reminding me of this. All this bothered me and I finally left the game for several months., I returned when POTC came back. I felt like those old issues had been fixed and I did feel a little bit better about the game and the way items were released and sold. I bring this old issue up because many many players felt this way at that time and I felt it was important to bring to light again....

Staff doing favors and giving things in secret etc etc etc are things that I have no first hand knowledge of, but if true represent serious flaws in any of the Staff's judgement to be leaders in this game all the way to the top for engaging in it or allowing it. Staff who stood by and were silent about these issues are complicit as well. What can fix this? Very simple. Put a stop to it all right now.

Please step up to the plate now and announce that there will be absolutely no abuses of power tolerated and that any found will be dealt with fairly and quickly. That abusive Staff will be removed promptly, and give us firm promises that this will not continue, then live by them. We can't make you ( see rule #1 :blush: ), but we can decide if we continue to participate. I'd love to see this all put in the past and move forward in a positive manner.

As you add new staff, get some people who can be respected and trusted and demonstrate the qualities needed to run a game like MyVMK. Ok I've said all I can on this subject, I swore I wouldn't post again on this topic and, but now I'm done.

Good luck:rainbow:
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