How much of a geek are you?

k well I'm just going to crawl back under a rock
I can't help it if I've been raised on anime and star wars
and galaxy quest
and I was in chess club
and I do academic quiz bowl like what even
45.38745% "Super Geek"


k well I'm just going to crawl back under a rock
I can't help it if I've been raised on anime and star wars
and galaxy quest
and I was in chess club
and I do academic quiz bowl like what even
45.38745% "Super Geek"
Is it bad I'm probably going to go attempt to surpass you.
I'm mildly disappointed I only got 42%.
@Host_Jediloid, I don't even know how I did that tbh. I guess I watch too many movies and read too many books. I'm also in a program to get my a+ certif... #awkward
I just checked out The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money for reading for pleasure. I literally got a book from a theory I disagree with solely to understand the opposition's argument better. Do I win?


Well-Known Member
float geekScore;
string geekClassification;

cout << "You are: " << geekScore << " percent geek. Your geek classification is " << geekClassification << endl;

You are: 25.46125 percent geek. Your geek classification is Total Geek