My Perspective on Recent Events

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I promise pretty much everyone who is criticising her right now has said worse.
And I'm sorry Amy, but I have to respectfully disagree with you. I would never, and have never, treated any player with any disrespect, and I have actually stopped other players in the past few days from speaking badly about the staff. So yes, I am criticising her as a professional, because when you are in a position of leadership, you need to maintain a level head and hold respect. If the people you are leading dont respect you, they wont want anything to do with you.


Smile and the world smiles with you
Oh for the record I bet there is not one person on her that has ever heard me swear. I can guarantee no one has seen me write it. I am not so lily white. I left home when I was 16 and lived on the streets due to abuse. I moved from group home to group home. I was one very angry young person. I had addiction problems and mental issues. Well because I was lucky enough to be surround by positive mentors who helped me. Who taught me how to stand up for myself. Who gave me courage to face my fears. I turned my life around. They helped to make the caring individual you see today. That is why I am kind to most and do not judge people because I have been there. You never know how what you say might put them over the edge. That said I am far from perfect and have not always said nice things. But would never ever humiliate people to the point they have left the game. And I am not talking about me. Amy I am sorry you are backing the wrong horse. There are many of us older folks that could have been a great help if you had only asked. @Amy
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all im seeing is the same essay just reworded but comes off with the same lame excuses, how do you not see that literally the entire game is angry at you (except for the butt kissers) for holding secret events and staff favoritism did you not learn anything from the "purple dress" incident last year people get mad about these things and then you promoting your friend lisa after the tornado of damage she caused which made 6 staff members leave is just one huge slap in the face to everybody who plays this im going to say this not to be rude but you are not a good leader in any way shape or form yes you are kind but you need to have a spine i know your not good with confrontation but in order to be a good leader you need to be gentle yet firm and make rational decisions that are for the greater good of the players not for your two bffs who are up in ranks now
You have hurt many people in the past by not taking action at the correct time, many of them being some of my close friends here. Some of them continued to stick up for you, blaming poor decisions, while others were able to see the real truth eons ago. You are quiet at the worst possible times, and now this? This is beyond sad.



[Content removed - reason: disrespectful/trolling]

Oh for the record I bet there is not one person on her that has ever heard me swear. I can guarantee no one has seen me write it. I am not so lily white. I left home when I was 16 and lived on the streets due to abuse. I moved from group home to group home. I was one very angry young person. I had addiction problems and mental issues. Well because I was lucky enough to be surround by positive mentors who helped me. Who taught me how to stand up for myself. Who gave me courage to face my fears. I turned my life around. They helped to make the caring individual you see today. That is why I am kind to most and do not judge people because I have been there. You never know how what you say might put them over the edge. That said I am far from perfect and have not always say nice things. But would never ever humiliate people to the point they have left the game. And I am not talking about me. Amy I am sorry you are backing the wrong horse. There are many of us older folks that could have been a great help if you had only asked. @Amy
This made me actually cry. I love you.
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all im seeing is the same essay just reworded but comes off with the same lame excuses, how do you not see that literally the entire game is angry at you (except for the butt kissers) for holding secret events and staff favoritism did you not learn anything from the "purple dress" incident last year people get mad about these things and then you promoting your friend lisa after the tornado of damage she caused which made 6 staff members leave is just one huge slap in the face to everybody who plays this im going to say this not to be rude but you are not a good leader in any way shape or form yes you are kind but you need to have a spine i know your not good with confrontation but in order to be a good leader you need to be gentle yet firm and make rational decisions that are for the greater good of the players not for your two bffs who are up in ranks now
PRAISEEEEEEEE (NOT NAMING NAMES THO)!!!!!!!!!! was jesus btw


Forever Awkward
Kali's pathetic apology
You may not agree with her "pathetic apology", but she apologized. What would you have liked her to say in her apology?
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