Something you want to say to someone, but can't...

Stop. Stop saying I'm too young for you. 2 years is not that much. You kill me a little every time you say that. It's clear to see you like me and that I like you. Let's come together in mutual likeness, okay?
okay so like I have a huge problem with the "duckface" fad. like ken u not? duckface isn't supermegafoxyawesomehot. it's gross

actually to me it's more like...

wait better yet
I've never seen so many people lie about themselves and things that don't even matter (your age, having/not having a professional entertainment career, where you live, about your relationship status, intelligence (honestly? People know when someone's intelligent, and when they see someone who is obviously trying to sound smarter than they are, well it makes you look bad), height, financial situation, housing situation, medical issues, etc...). It's pathetic, ridiculous, and everyone can see that you're all attention seeking. Please seek help, because you so definitely need it. This is not healthy in the least bit. Not to mention that you're lying about some situations that some people literally have to deal with on a daily basis and that's extremely offensive to them.

If you're not homeless, your financial situation isn't as bad as you say it is (If you can afford the basic necessities of a home, food, clothes, and can also afford non-essentials like internet, smart phones, and you also talk about how you're able to go shopping at the mall, then I'm sorry, but your financial situation isn't as bad as you claim to have it. Some people are literally struggling and can't afford bills like that and they're homeless or their services have been cut off. If you're making it by each month, even just barely - all bills paid and you can also splurge every now and then, then please don't make your situation out to be worse than it truly is. You have no idea what you're asking for.), or you're not some famous singer/actor/model, and your health is in perfect condition (or not as bad as you say it is), please don't lie about it to "impress" people on the internet. You're not impressing anyone. Lying never impresses people. And you're not making yourself seem more "mature" either (lying is a big sign of immaturity). The fact is, most people see right through you. Seriously, they do. Even if you don't realize that, hopefully you do now or you will someday. Please also note that the spotlight does not always have to be on you. I'm sorry if you feel like you haven't gotten as much attention as you feel like you'd have liked or even needed, but this is not the way to go about getting that attention. Please get the help that you need and deserve. But on the bright side, I'll have so many essay topics to write about for my psychology classes from observing you. So thanks for that (no sarcasm intended).
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You've got me twisted around your little finger.[DOUBLEPOST=1406666766][/DOUBLEPOST]2 years. 2 years in a row you didn't say happy birthday. You were my best friend, I was there for you when you needed it and you can't even say happy birthday?
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RIP, Austin. Sorry I found out so late. :halcyon:
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