Something you want to say to someone, but can't...

Can everyone stop treating me like a child?! I'm sick of it.[DOUBLEPOST=1407375115][/DOUBLEPOST]You can text my sister but not me now? You can send her the same snapchats you send me? Cool. Any feelings that I had for you are now gone. You no good, pathetic loser who felt the need to screw with my head.
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Not so Active Member
God you're so greedy and in this for the fame and fortune it's sickening. If you actually cared you wouldn't be doing this to him because you know it will absolutely damage his reputation. I hope you feel happy after all those articles are written about him, putting him down when he's not that kind of person at all. And you're so original for plagiarizing other books! Shows what kind of author you are! I hope you get sued.


not actually a grave
please, please, PLEASE slip up. please track me down again, please say something. im never going to be at ease until you do. i can defend myself this time and not look stupid.
To be honest, if you have to hide behind the term "sass" to be able to say what's on your mind, well ... then that's pretty pathetic. There's nothing "cute" about being "sassy" which is actually just being a smart-mouth. If you can't say what you want to say without being one, and using the term "sass" as an excuse, then I suggest you rethink your thoughts before you post them. And you should also rethink why you feel the need to use the term as your excuse to say how you feel. Who are you afraid of? The staff? Your friends? Why are you holding back in the first place? It makes no sense to me.
Why do people keep throwing around mental issues/diagnoses and claiming them as if they're some great thing to have? Do you think they make you "special" or what? Because that's not true. They certainly don't make you special, considering you're like all the other kids (yes, you're a child legally) doing the same thing for this "trend". Is it because of the shows you guys are watching or what? Hopefully it's not to fit in, because yet again, you're not special for pretending to have something you don't have. You do realize people actually have these issues (and struggle on a daily basis with them) and that it's not right to make light of their issues or struggles, right?

Not to mention that most of your definitions of these diagnoses are completely wrong. Sociopaths and psychopaths don't feel any emotion at all. They can fake human emotion, but they can't feel it. Many can't cry either; I know you do or at least you've said you have before. So if you were lying about the crying, you're either a compulsive liar or you're just attention seeking. Either way, a sociopath or psychopath wouldn't do either of those things, not to mention that they wouldn't gloat about being one. I've seen you express human emotion on many occasions (usually attention seeking behaviors), so I know that you're neither of these. Do some actual research. Read the DSM-V. That way you'll learn about the actual diagnostic criteria for these diagnoses. Then again, I don't really understand why anyone would want to claim such a serious issue. That's like claiming schizophrenia...

Pretending to be depressed, cutting, or having other issues related to that is no better either. Seriously people, grow up. You have no idea what you're asking for. Go to a local psych ward... take Abnormal Psychology... then you'll learn. You'll see how idiotic you're being. Maybe it's because you're young, I don't know. Maybe you'll out grow it; again, I don't really know the answer to that.

But people, please... either look up definitions of disorders/illnesses before you try to claim them or realize that having an actual mental diagnosis does not make you special or set you apart from other people around your age. No sane person wants to have mental issues. I swear, all of you people claiming to have all these diagnoses is the exact reason I'm working on ways to dispel misconceptions about them right now. Honestly, it's getting ridiculous and it's not "cute" or "funny" either. :rage:
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Wow. I am like, so done.

"Confession # (whatever) I'm a recovering cutter."

Okay, first of all, I know you. I know you are a liar. There's a difference between being a recovering cutter and a scratcher. I would know.
First of all, while yes, any form of self harm should be prevented, there is a difference between a cry for help, relieving stress/other feelings and emotions, or merely basking in the want for attention. While yes, in all cases it is evident that some form of help is needed, the fact that you merely do it so you have something to use to get pity from your parents and peers disgusts me. I don't understand how people could want to be or feel this way. That's just sick.

Do you think it makes you unique? Interesting? Cool? Does it give you the edge you're looking for? The fact that you're merely doing this for appearances angers me more than anything. As someone who actually understands what "recovering cutter" entails, I would like to say I am sick and tired of this poseristic and ridiculous nonsense of which I witness all the time. Obviously you're not the first, but you are the small quake to begin this avalanche.

I am growing tired of the need for society to dig further down into the pit of problems just so that they can wear a new one upon their sleeve and seem like a deep individual with an interesting story. It's just like with people who are like, "I'm clinically depressed wahwahwah ergergerger care about me." By showcasing your crutch, not only are you crying out for attention, you are looking idiotic in the process. People who truly suffer, people who truly know, they don't showcase it for the entire world to see. There's a difference between a person reaching out in understanding, and a person calling out in self-pity and fake tendencies.

Sorry for this long thing of ********.

Just one of those things that makes me angry.
I might always love you, but I don't know how to tell you. Our relationship was amazing, and you have no idea how much I wish we lived closer. I wish we had the chance to try it again. You promised you'd make it up to me, but you hardly talk to me now? Do you still mean it? Do you think of me? Do I need to be the one to break the silence? You were always so understanding of exactly how I felt. Between the two of us, you were the last one to say you'd always love me. Do you just want me to remind you?
Wow, it's been a while since I've posted on here but I feel like posting on here!!

I know I probably gave up my chance to... be something with you back in April, but I honestly can't keep my mind off you. I wait all day for you to text me or invite me over to hang out with you and our friends, or even just to run into you when I'm going to the bus. It's super silly of me to feel this way, especially since I definitely ruined my chance with you.
I know that tomorrow's appointment is nothing to worry about, it's just a regular 25-minute appointment, but I absolutely NEED this. I know a couple of weeks ago I bawled my face off during the whole job interview, and I know they were brilliant enough to offer me a few weeks of what's technically "work experience" (and for someone in their thirties, that's an odd word to say) followed by what's most likely a permanent position as an admin assistant, but if I don't do well I have no doubt in my mind that I'm royally screwed. Anxiety stinks. Time and time again the people around me in real life never stick to their word leaving me practically hopeless, and maybe I'm stressing a bit too hard on this, but if this doesn't happen... well my confidence will be ruined yet again.
