Songs that make you cry


l'antico vampiro
Some songs that give me a strong, touching sadness inside because of personal correlations (such as country-related oppressive wars towards its populace, the boundless and nonsensical deaths people do to one another and still wondering when some people on this rock will even try to understand things outside of their "boxed in" psyche, in order to act on knowledge that they've already been given etc.)



Well-Known Member
i actually have so many it's kind of really sad so i'll just post some of my favorites to cry to

Miserable At Best - Mayday Parade
Therapy - All Time Low
Remembering Sunday - All Time Low
Lullabies - All Time Low
Cancer - My Chemical Romance

Can you tell that I love ATL or what?


black lives matter
I heard this song in my dance class right after my Grandmother died and literally cried in front of everybody.
"Goodnight, Travel Well" by The Killers gets me every time.

It makes me think of a few people I've known that either decided they didn't need to be here anymore or left suddenly. You just have to say goodbye even though you're not ready because you can't fix it. It's okay to be sad and ache because all you can do is hope that they travel on in the next life the best that they can.

I listen to it a lot on certain anniversaries.
It's important to remember them.

(It's bad when they play it on the radio while I'm driving. I always have to pull off to the side of the road.)


Well-Known Member

This song came on the radio on my way to the hospital where my sister died back in 2005. Never heard it before, but somehow I just knew the lyrics and was singing along. That same time the song came on was the same time she was pronounced brain dead by the doctors. I can't listen to it still to this day without crying