The Hunger Games (Assassin 4.0)

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I haven't quit; college happened.
Okay all i'm back- Sorry, I've been working on a 30 slide powerpoint for about 2 days straight (yeah i'm really really blind now) and i can barely see what i'm typing bc i took my contacts out. i finished the ppt 4 hours ago only to find out i couldn't send it in bc it was infected with the virus so i've spent all night re-making the whole


@MagicIshaan ur kill doesn't count, i can't see clearly but you aren't dead
@slytherinftw rip sly
@krosette rip krose
@Gallifreyan is safe because i didn't have time to respond to messages or let anyone know yes and trashbags had their IGN changed.
i think that covers everything tbh if not qoute me and let me know i'm extremely overtired and i'm braindead now ok

i will update everything in the morning because my head hurts too bad and i literally cannot concentrate anymore tonight. it has taken literally every fiber of my being, having adhd, to sit here and discipline myself to do this in one sitting. im sorry again i haven't been around for all of this, i just have deadlines to meet.


Just a girl waiting for the return of the shoutbox
How do we know if someone is dead? Is there a running list?

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Okay all i'm back- Sorry, I've been working on a 30 slide powerpoint for about 2 days straight (yeah i'm really really blind now) and i can barely see what i'm typing bc i took my contacts out. i finished the ppt 4 hours ago only to find out i couldn't send it in bc it was infected with the virus so i've spent all night re-making the whole


@MagicIshaan ur kill doesn't count, i can't see clearly but you aren't dead
@slytherinftw rip sly
@krosette rip krose
@Gallifreyan is safe because i didn't have time to respond to messages or let anyone know yes and trashbags had their IGN changed.
i think that covers everything tbh if not qoute me and let me know i'm extremely overtired and i'm braindead now ok
I got alyssa too :P


Well-Known Member
i kno that ishaan isnt my target but i got him so in ur face ishaan and rip i c ur ded now, thats tragic

I also got alyssa and deeb b4 it was cool bc im not mainstream

have a blessed day
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