The Hunger Games (Assassin 4.0)

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I will reassign targets tonight, if you choose to pause, the pause will begin at Tuesday 12:00AM eastern until Wednesday 12:00AM eastern.

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Wait so any kills right now count? So like if Im caught now it counts or?


I haven't quit; college happened.
Wait so any kills right now count? So like if Im caught now it counts or?
No, there's a pause right now regardless. I meant after i reassign targets for round two. Meaning, after messages go out, that is the initiation for round two rather than having a pause for DC.

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@CocoBandicoot Thank you for the pause, can get back to earning double credits.

@Erin you can love me all you want now. :D

Even if doesn't count now, i still got you even though you tought you got away, rip @Kinglaser
Irony is I was caught while typing up asking if getting caught counts LOL
@Kinglaser Actually this was before coco announced the pause, when you said goodbye as you passed me by. XD
No, I was reading her post about the pause, looked at the game screen, and you were walking towards me.
Not that it matters, I just like being right LOL
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