Something you want to say to someone, but can't...

i usually dont post stuff like this but this is my second time ahhh

I messed up and I'm sorry. I made a mistake and I've paid for it for the past 2 months. I've missed you and I hate myself for ending things. You made me the person who I want to be and me leaving has made me become a person that I hate. I'm sorry for hurting you and nothing I say will ever fix what I did. But could you give me a chance? Every day I think about you and how I made a mistake but I've been covering it up. For almost two years, you were the only person I truly cared about and still, you are the only person I care about. I just want another chance.
i miss you more than you know, and i really want to see you because you've been gone for months. but, i think it's a bad idea because i dont want what you want, i cant. ugh.


disney pin trader since 2004
I was starting to get more confident, but the way you treat me ruins me inside. You don't mean to or realize it. I don't know why I still love you. I wish you felt the same way. One-sided love is difficult.
You don't have to act your age to be mature.
Just act like a civilized human being. Especially towards people you may not like.
Because it's what mature people do.


Where did 4 years go?!

  • You are probably the biggest idiot I've ever met, and that's putting it nicely and lightly, so

  • You're faker than pancake makeup, and again, putting it lightly ;).

  • No one actually likes you because you're so hateful. So stop parading yourself around like your all that and a bag of chips, when you're more like a cold, soggy taco. :)

  • Why you invest so much of your time in to harassing another person is beyond me, maybe you have the time to waste, but normal people aren't that tenacious about personally ruining someones life. There is a special place somewhere very hot for you, where you will have an eternity to spend mulling over the horrible things you've done in your life. Have fun with that, that's a dose of personal reflection you desperately need.

  • You're probably the most dramatic person in the world, an ice cube could fall on the floor and you'd act like a glacier fell from the sky and landed on your house. No wonder it was so excruciatingly painful to be in your presence. I'm amazed no one died of exhaustion being within 10 inches of you.

  • And by the way, you aren't the least bit clever. You honestly wouldn't know clever if it ran you over with 150 horsepower. We know exactly what you're doing, and it was a nice try for an amateur. :moonwalk:

Have a nice life, or don't, I could care less if a glacier did fall on you anyway.

Anonymous venting is very therapeutic. :whee:
i worry about you so much and i just wanna hug you and take away all your pain but then
you say something
and all i can think about is how great it would feel to gouge out your eyes with my thumbs
and i hate when you make yourself bleed but i want to make you bleed

wth is wrong w/ me i just