Something you want to say to someone, but can't...

You could at least talk to me. Especially since we spent 2 1/2 years together, everyday. You were my girlfriend, and my bestfriend.
I don't want to talk to you about the past, I just want to see how you're doing. It'd be nice to know how you're doing once and a while.
You and your family welcomed me with open arms, and it felt good for a change. It was nice to be a part of a tightly knit family for once. One that actually invited me to thanksgiving, christmas, etc.
But oh well, guess that's what I deserve for putting all of my eggs into one basket.
The thought of another being better than I, is killing me. Yet here I am, avoiding intimacy at every turn. I avoid glances. I can't make eye contact with other women. When I do I'm only left with disappointment.
Everything is so bitter to me now. I dream and think of you. I hope that my dreams are messages that my subconscious is trying to send me. Unfortunately, I find myself deciphering them wrong. I know that you'll never take me back. My heart is stubborn, and I hate it. I wish I had done something wrong. I wish it was me, and not you. For maybe then, it would be easier to acknowledge these turn of events. No, I cannot understand why you left. I often look down at my hands, and wonder if perhaps his are stronger than mine. With those hands he can do things for you that I could not. My feelings are conflicting. I wish that you would take me back, though I find it unhealthy to wish it. I know though, that because I do love you, I hope he will make you happy. I only selfishly wish it was I, instead of him.

I know it wouldn't take you long to find someone. You're too special to not have a man.


Where did 4 years go?!
Sometimes I wish you'd put me first.
My friends and family believe I've put myself on a shelf for you. Is that really true?
I do a lot for you, I've given up a lot.
Why can't you sacrifice the same for once?
Now I feel guilty for feeling this way, as I always do.
And I'll bottle this inside, and fill the bottle with the same thing over and over until I burst, again.
I know you're working so hard for me, to give me something better.
I just wish you'd realize I don't need things, I just need you.


Well-Known Member
I still can't tell if you want to be in this relationship because you actually enjoy being around me as a person, or if you are only here for the physical aspects. I keep holding out, thinking that maybe next week we'll break the conversation barrier and be able to laugh and joke with each other without it seeming forced. If you want this to just be a casual thing, then tell me -- don't just throw around terms like "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" if you're not ready to man up and commit and make an honest effort to talk to me and respect me and care about me. I want you to want to be with me outside of your dorm, to take me out on dates, to just sit with a cup of coffee and talk to me. Is that too much to ask?

I know it's probably best I break things off, but it's so hard for me to do so. Maybe I'm desperate, maybe deep down I know that this is probably the best I'll ever have and the most I deserve. I keep blaming myself for this, wondering if I allowed things to move too fast to the point where you don't feel like you have to make any effort. I should have known better than to naively think that some random encounter at a Halloween frat party could blossom into an actual relationship. In the end, I just hate this feeling of being used.
i'm gonna write about several people 'cause i feel like it, okay.

#1. flrhkfhrjkfrekjh. why, why, why, is all i have to ask. WHY?!
#2. you're so precious, and i'm so glad we've finally warmed up to each other. you're my ride or die forever. & i got your back no matter what.
#3. you're literally the sweetest girl i know. keep on doing you, sista.
#4. i really care about you and our friendship. i wish i could convince you to see that somehow.
#5. one word: #thirsty
#6. ferkjhfgrejkf. MEH.
#7. i don't even know why i bother anymore with our friendship, but a part of me will always care for you until the end.

fhjkrehfrejkh heh.


Well-Known Member
you have turned my mind into a rubiks cube
i cant figure out what memories of you were real and what were fake
there are too many possibilities
i will never be able to solve my mind again


Well-Known Member
You are the worst roommate I've ever had. I hate the way you wring your nasty wet hair into our carpet and I hope the black mold plagues your lungs.