Something you want to say to someone, but can't...


Well-Known Member
I don't care that you didn't get me anything for Christmas because I told you not to feel obligated to when you joked about getting me nothing. It just bothers me that I've spent close to $400 on your gifts and you've not even bothered with a "thank you". Rather you've chastised me for spending in the first place, when I was just trying to do something thoughtful.
[swallowing feelings, holiday edition]


adventureland enthusiast
to anonymous person #1: I think that what you are doing is insensitive and I can't believe you can act so cordial and calm when we see one another. you aren't even able or willing to commit to anything at this stage in your life, and I think you're selfish

to anonymous person #2: I don't think you've given me a fair chance and I want to know what I could have done differently to deserve that. I would do anything for you, and think that you deserve all the very best things in the world. but I guess really it's all my fault for continuously falling into this trap of practically making myself an emotional slave to someone who my dedication is wasted on!!
I hope you enjoy your Christmas.
What I would like this Christmas is to be acknowledged by you. But oh well, a man can dream.
Stop trying to get attention. You literally feed on it and it's not healthy. You don't need attention to thrive or live.
Also, you're one of the biggest misogynists I know.
You need to move on and get over him or I'm not sure if I can take this any longer.