VMK Pet-Peeves


no sleep club
When people don't specify how they play the HM game before the game starts, and just expect you to know "how to do it." I'm sorry if I'm not one of the people who believes in 1 person getting 1 floor - but I believe we should be free to roam the entire game map as we please, as was in the original VMK. If you're the kind of person who likes it the other way, it'd be appreciated to mention that beforehand instead of making it like I'm stealing your ghosts during the game. I understand there aren't always as many ghosts coming out, but what if I'm stuck on a floor that has none? Not allowed to go get the ghosts somewhere else? Nahhhh
When in HM I'm on a floor level playing 2v2 and a team member goes to my level to get my ghosts when that person has ghost on their level at that exact moment :runaway: I try and get mine quick before that person can get it o-o:runaway:

Also, when I'm on a level and the opposite team leaves the floor level I'm on to get ghost on the other floor level and I'm keep getting turnt into a ghost and it's hard for me to get my ghost because I'm being attacked by ghosts :zombie:

This only happens rarely though :cloud9:

Another one: when I go to an empty room when trying to pull the sword and someone comes up and uses it :(
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Salty people in general. You know that person. The one that gets angry when you don't let them get a ghost in haunted mansion for round 3. The one who threatens you to go die when you take their block away in DHTF. The one who complains if they didn't get their credits first.
Just say gg and move on. :huh:
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Well-Known Member
Can't wait to see this in MyVMK.

Also, my biggest pet peeve is when people get upset because they got shot in POTC when they were afk/lagging/stuck/whatever else. There are so many people who fake afk so they can attack you. How are we supposed to know if you're lagging and who knows if you're ever going to stop lagging? You expect us to not shoot you the entire game? Or sometimes getting people stuck is part of the strategy and also it's not my fault you control your boat poorly.
The worst is that MyVMK is such a small community that when you attack people "before they even loaded into the game" they go around and tell all their friends so next thing you know you're getting booted from every single game.

Also that I missed dreams month. And I love dream ears and dream suite, just because they're cute and I could care less about their value, but they're expensive so I'll never get them probably
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OOOOH, I forgot about this one:
- People who use 15+ SITS at once and hog up the entire stone because they have TONS of SITS. I just find that so inconsiderate! There are people waiting just to pull one, and you're going to sit here and pull 100+? When I have needed to pull that many in the past, I'd always let the person go before me right when they approached the stone, they'd leave, and then I'd carry on pulling. I'm not gonna be rude and hog the stone! :shrug:

Also, when people are stuck on the track for a game, host event, or in the FC games, and they purposefully sit there and refuse to leave the line. Not only does it set everyone else back, it leaves staff with a bunch of CFH's that are useless. If you're stuck in line, be courteous and GET OUT, join again! It'll be the same, I promise.

As a whole, we just need to work on being more respectful to each other. We are a MyVMK family! :hearts:[DOUBLEPOST=1426681648][/DOUBLEPOST]
2 things when it comes to games:
When you spend a ton of time in a game, win, and get a really bad prize. Tbh I know it's a game but you could at least give something sorta nice.
When you can tell cute or boot/falling chairs is rigged. You could at least try to hide the fact I won't win no matter what.
"oh hey i know you just won this really hard game that took up like 30 minutes of your time so here's a buyable chair"[DOUBLEPOST=1426681797][/DOUBLEPOST]
I know! Everyone's in Fantasyland Courtyard all the time farming....come on guys be social and make friends ok
instead of being social in a public room everyone goes into a trade room to be social, which ticks the traders off... why don't we just go in a public room instead? i miss going on main street to find hoards of players in a dancing line, talking about the dumbest things!

but in retrospect, i do see a good amount of people chilling in the Esplanade a lot
It absolutely kills me to see how awful people are to each other on this game... The things you say are hurtful even if you are "joking" it's horrible. Why can't people realize that what you say affects others, we should all be kind to one another. This is supposed to be a "getaway" not some awful drama fest where we talk about people behind their backs. Can't we just be friends :C
I don't know if this has been posted because I didn't read through 12 pages of complaints. This is happening every quest and it's not only the new people doing it but when you have to collect things off the floor, when you have done it....PLEASE MOVE OFF THE ITEM so others can collect it also. Just click on a different part of the room to move if you are reading the next task. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
When you're hosting a cute or boot game and the players complain about your themes. I'm sorry but doing animals and disney are the most used and common themes. I can probably tell you who you're going to dress as before you start dressing; you're a dog, youre a skunk, you're a bird "oh my how creative, not a single person in this game has used the referee outfit to be an animal you're really thinking outside the box" -said no one ever


Well-Known Member
that's funny, because something bothers another person but not you, that makes it, the pet peeve, wrong?
No Quinn that is not what I meant at all! A pet peeve can't be wrong, since different things bother different people. In other words.. my pet peeve is other people getting annoyed by what seems like in my eyes nothing to be annoyed by. It was also just supossed to be somewhat of a joke as well though.It doesnt bother me all that much or I would never dare to read posts in this thred :]
When people are hosting a COB game or something and they have to leave when there's like 3 people left, but don't let anyone take over.. especially after playing their game for a long time.