VMK Pet-Peeves


Im Gucci, you Polo
*when someone wearing a stitch hat says they're not rich
*when people ignore you when you're talking
*when someone tries telling me my teal beanies worth 2 walls @Cobra
*when people "quit" and come back a week later
*when "new" people ask for free stuff

i meannn the list goes on
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Soldier of Love and the Unknown
-When people on the forums are either super harsh about staff decisions or super kiss-butt about it. Both sides need to just realize that there are goods and bads and nothing about the game is perfect. Stop acting entitled about having everything your way AND stop trying to act like everything is peachy keen. You can't just ignore the pros or cons (depending on your side) as you find convenient.
-HM problems, omg. Stop letting the other team catch you, stop trying to catch the ghosts that I was on my way to before you showed up, don't ask me to let the other team win because I don't play that way, and yes, please stay on one floor so that we can both have our own source of ghosts.
-This was especially a problem for me when green keys were still around: people coming into MY ROOM when I'm in there ALONE to ask if I'm trading anything. And when I try to politely say no, they start putting everything they're trading into the box to try to entice me. Not gonna work.
-People in trading rooms not trading...this makes no sense...
-People interrupting my pulls in the stone and pulling it in one shot.
-People who flip about people being afk on the rides. Honestly, who is going to stare at the screen and watch their character go through the ride over and over and over just so they can make sure they're out of the ride immediately if they get stuck? Usually people come back in a decent amount of time because they're checking to see if their character needs to go through again, and then they'll leave. Just wait a few minutes. What difference does it make? So you lose out on one or two more ridethroughs that night, which probably wouldn't have given you a SITS anyway. Really, just relax. (At the same time, don't refuse to leave if you see that you're stuck. That's super rude)
-People who complain about values. Before you knock me, hear me out. Yes, the whole firewall economy is messed up (although credit trading is helping), and people try to take advantage of people by setting ridiculous values. HOWEVER, there is a reason that things have value, just like in the real world. If something is rare, as in it was given out in a limited quantity, the person who has that item is most likely not going to want to give it away for something easily accessible because it's special to them. Look at antiques. You wouldn't give away a limited edition gold pocket watch from the 1800s for a piece of gum (extreme example, I know, but sometimes I feel like that's what anti-value people want). So, yeah, if both parties are alright with the trade, it's fine if that's what you want to do. But don't expect people to conform to your thoughts when they have a value in mind. Everyone has the right to refuse a trade they don't think it's fair IN THEIR OPINION.
-POTC. All of it.
-When people panic when things aren't immediately released at midnight when they're supposed to come out (whether that is items or quests or whatever). ie, look at the General forum for examples, it's guaranteed every time there's a delay.
-The shoutbox when it was around, yet also I want it to come back because it was a fast way to get info.
-Just general rudeness. People really need to chill. Why is it that when people respond to a post or answer you in game or whatever, they have to have an attitude? Especially when people have questions. So you have a better understanding about something than I do. Does that make you better than me? I don't think so. Does your opinion have more value than mine? Um, no. Stop being condescending.

I usually try to be really chill on the forums, but I don't have anyone else to complain to so it feels good to vent. XD
You aren't a loser :3 you are a darling person with an amazing icon/header *that I secretly want...* <3[DOUBLEPOST=1427032335][/DOUBLEPOST]
-When people on the forums are either super harsh about staff decisions or super kiss-butt about it. Both sides need to just realize that there are goods and bads and nothing about the game is perfect. Stop acting entitled about having everything your way AND stop trying to act like everything is peachy keen. You can't just ignore the pros or cons (depending on your side) as you find convenient.
-HM problems, omg. Stop letting the other team catch you, stop trying to catch the ghosts that I was on my way to before you showed up, don't ask me to let the other team win because I don't play that way, and yes, please stay on one floor so that we can both have our own source of ghosts.
-This was especially a problem for me when green keys were still around: people coming into MY ROOM when I'm in there ALONE to ask if I'm trading anything. And when I try to politely say no, they start putting everything they're trading into the box to try to entice me. Not gonna work.
-People in trading rooms not trading...this makes no sense...
-People interrupting my pulls in the stone and pulling it in one shot.
-People who flip about people being afk on the rides. Honestly, who is going to stare at the screen and watch their character go through the ride over and over and over just so they can make sure they're out of the ride immediately if they get stuck? Usually people come back in a decent amount of time because they're checking to see if their character needs to go through again, and then they'll leave. Just wait a few minutes. What difference does it make? So you lose out on one or two more ridethroughs that night, which probably wouldn't have given you a SITS anyway. Really, just relax. (At the same time, don't refuse to leave if you see that you're stuck. That's super rude)
-People who complain about values. Before you knock me, hear me out. Yes, the whole firewall economy is messed up (although credit trading is helping), and people try to take advantage of people by setting ridiculous values. HOWEVER, there is a reason that things have value, just like in the real world. If something is rare, as in it was given out in a limited quantity, the person who has that item is most likely not going to want to give it away for something easily accessible because it's special to them. Look at antiques. You wouldn't give away a limited edition gold pocket watch from the 1800s for a piece of gum (extreme example, I know, but sometimes I feel like that's what anti-value people want). So, yeah, if both parties are alright with the trade, it's fine if that's what you want to do. But don't expect people to conform to your thoughts when they have a value in mind. Everyone has the right to refuse a trade they don't think it's fair IN THEIR OPINION.
-POTC. All of it.
-When people panic when things aren't immediately released at midnight when they're supposed to come out (whether that is items or quests or whatever). ie, look at the General forum for examples, it's guaranteed every time there's a delay.
-The shoutbox when it was around, yet also I want it to come back because it was a fast way to get info.
-Just general rudeness. People really need to chill. Why is it that when people respond to a post or answer you in game or whatever, they have to have an attitude? Especially when people have questions. So you have a better understanding about something than I do. Does that make you better than me? I don't think so. Does your opinion have more value than mine? Um, no. Stop being condescending.

I usually try to be really chill on the forums, but I don't have anyone else to complain to so it feels good to vent. XD
When people become really rude and mean after you kill there stuck ship in POTC... Some of the stuff that gets said after is just awful. It's their fault if they get stuck, just like it's there fault if they run out of supplies. I'm not going to avoid shooting you if you don't have any health or ammo, so why would I avoid shooting you if you drive your ship into a rock?