Question(s) about Born In Park Badge How do I post my pictures for BiP badge?

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I'm going to Disney World at the end of this month/early September, and I thought I would figure how to work the forums and how to upload my picture before my trip so that I know what I'm doing. However, when I go to the original BiP thread, I can't post a reply. I've looked everywhere around the post and all I read is "Thread Status: This thread is not open to further replies", and "You have the insufficient ability to reply to this thread".
Please help!!


MyVMK Staff
Staff member
MyVMK Staff
MyVMK Staff
On that main thread is the link for where you should post it. :)

9. Once you return from your trip, go here - and post a new thread. Choose the yellow prefix "Approval Needed for Born In Park Badge". You must include your in-game username, and the photo of your avatar at the park (if it is a group photo (remember, 3 players MAX including yourself), be sure to add all in-game names for all avatars in the photo).:nod:
On that main thread is the link for where you should post it. :)

9. Once you return from your trip, go here - and post a new thread. Choose the yellow prefix "Approval Needed for Born In Park Badge". You must include your in-game username, and the photo of your avatar at the park (if it is a group photo (remember, 3 players MAX including yourself), be sure to add all in-game names for all avatars in the photo).:nod:
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