Question(s) about Born In Park Badge Clarification on Max Number of People

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I just wanted to be sure about the Max number of people you can take with you to Disney for the BiP badge.

So I know you can only take 5 group shots of 3 people each month. That equals 15. But I was wondering if its ok to have the 15 people separately. Not a group shot, just 1 avatar per photo, but for 15 people.

And if it is ok, is it also ok to take them all on the same day?

Sorry if its kind of obvious lol I just want to be sure :D Thank you!
You are allowed 5 photos per month. If you want to do all singles, you'd be able to submit 5, but you're better off just giving the singles to those players and letting them submit them themselves. ;)
Ohh thank you! I didn't know I could only submit 5 photos. I'll definitely have to send them to the player then :) Thanks!
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