Question(s) about Born In Park Badge How long will it take for my badge to appear?

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Well-Known Member
Helloo I was wondering how long it would take for the badge to appear on my lanyard. Im not sure when someone took my avatar to the park...xD but long does it normally take for the badge to appear?


Well-Known Member
Did someone take you to the park or not? Confused if they did by what you said. You need to be online, you might be pulled into abs/kali's room and they will give it to you, or if they find you in-game it'll just randomly appear! :)


MyVMK Staff
Staff member
MyVMK Staff
MyVMK Staff
If your photo was submitted, you need to be online to get the badge. If you're not, you should get a message in game telling you to send a CFH so someone can give it to you when you get on. If you haven't gotten a message, and still don't have the badge chances are you weren't submitted yet. Remember, even if someone else takes the photo, you can still submit it yourself.
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